In a staggering waste of time and taxpayer money rivaled only by the 9/11 Commission, NIST yesterday issued its 915-page WTC 7 report - a tome of abject lies. Not that this is even NIST's first attempt at an explanation, but it certainly takes the cake. This time around, they're claiming that a "new phenomenon," aka - "thermal expansion" - caused the complete pulverization of the 47-story tower.
Uh huh.
Just as in the case of the Twin Towers, if fire did cause steel to melt and become molten streams under the buildings for weeks to come, it would be the first time in the history of mankind. This despite the fact - as chronicled in Loose Change: Second Edition - that numerous buildings around the world have had raging fires for up to 20 or so hours with no collapse whatsoever. WTC 7 on the other hand displayed very minimal, very confined fires in every video or photo taken that day.
Like all of the previous NIST reports, they don't offer up any actual scientific evidence of note or substance. And like in the past, the media shills were chomping at the bit to declare the 7 mystery solved, and the "conspiracy theorists" proven wrong. No surprise, Popular Mechanics, the New York Times and Fox News are leading the operative parade. As Alex Jones said on his radio show, "They won't do mathematics equations, they'll just show us video computer composites that any 14-year-old with a case of Hot Pockets and Jolt cola can make."
The NYT did give a couple of paragraphs' coverage to InfoWars.com reporter Shane Geiger's questioning of lead "investigator" S. Shyam Sunder, but quickly spun the truth by saying Sunder "patiently" tried to answer Geiger. In fact, Geiger was briskly interrupted and had the lights shut off on him. Instead of citing his affiliation with Info Wars, they also reported he "contributes to a website that covers the topic." Can't have Alex Jones or his network mentioned, now can we?
Current bestselling author Jerome Corsi, whose book The Obama Nation is currently atop the world, is now even backpedaling on his 9/11 stance, and when questioned by Alan Colmes about his appearances on the Alex Jones Show, completely skirted the issue, contradicted himself, and played Judas to Alex.
I never really did trust Corsi though. Beneath his veiled attempts to keep out of the so-called Left/Right paradigm, he definitely resides in a false "Right" reality. This is the single reason I personally - in wanting to read a scathing book about Barack Obama - picked up Webster Tarpley's Obama: The Postmodern Coup instead.
As Jason Bermas said on the Alex Jones Show earlier today, "I guess 9/11 Truth is still just too hot for some people to touch."
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