In addition to his run in with Michelle Malkin at yesterday's portion of the DNC in Denver, Alex Jones had it out with some chicken-necked filth from RAIM - Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Movement. These dirtbags are affiliated with the aforementioned retards at Recreate 68.
RAIM sought out Alex yesterday, claiming he spread rumors that they were going to throw human waste at police. Of course, Alex never said this.
“I think Alex Jones is a crackpot with a streak of white populism,” said Nick Brown of RAIM.
White populist? Anyone who listens to Alex knows that's complete bull. But even if it were true, look at the abject racism coming out of RAIM. Their entire blog is anti-White and anti-United States. Take a look at some excerpts:
"Those crackers sitting on their lawn chairs watching the border aren’t scrambling to take jobs for $5.00 an hour doing back-breaking labor. Not to mention the issues of stolen land, exploited and oppressed nations, and reparations."
"We at RAIM like trouble-making punk kids. You know, the kind that piss off Cracker invaders who talk shit in the Mexican homeland."
The whole premise of this rag of a blog is that any White person who opposes illegal immigration - i.e. the destruction of our country and the loss of civil liberties, money, health care and education for working-class Americans, all for the benefit of providing for non-citizens - is an evil KKK member.
You can watch videos of Alex describing being bullhorned and assaulted by Recreate 68, RAIM, and others at infowars.com. Fortunately, Alex and crew just documented the events and basically left. It would be great though to see Alex kick the crap of these fools. The thing is, Alex promotes non-violence and he actually lives it.
Watch him clean RAIM's clock at the YouTube link below. In response to being called a white populist, and "playing the America card," Alex said, "Let's get one thing straight. I'm not going to buy into this corporate foundation guilt about me being a White guy. Foundations don't control me."
It's awesome watching Alex shred every bit of rhetorical, faux-Liberal bull that these guys throw at him. Alex knows basically everything about everything, and these over-privileged, twenty-something guilty White kids look pathetic and ridiculous trying to stand up to the mega-god of the patriot movement.
Keep going, Alex. Mow through all of them before the week is up!
RAIM sought out Alex yesterday, claiming he spread rumors that they were going to throw human waste at police. Of course, Alex never said this.
“I think Alex Jones is a crackpot with a streak of white populism,” said Nick Brown of RAIM.
White populist? Anyone who listens to Alex knows that's complete bull. But even if it were true, look at the abject racism coming out of RAIM. Their entire blog is anti-White and anti-United States. Take a look at some excerpts:
"Those crackers sitting on their lawn chairs watching the border aren’t scrambling to take jobs for $5.00 an hour doing back-breaking labor. Not to mention the issues of stolen land, exploited and oppressed nations, and reparations."
"We at RAIM like trouble-making punk kids. You know, the kind that piss off Cracker invaders who talk shit in the Mexican homeland."
The whole premise of this rag of a blog is that any White person who opposes illegal immigration - i.e. the destruction of our country and the loss of civil liberties, money, health care and education for working-class Americans, all for the benefit of providing for non-citizens - is an evil KKK member.
You can watch videos of Alex describing being bullhorned and assaulted by Recreate 68, RAIM, and others at infowars.com. Fortunately, Alex and crew just documented the events and basically left. It would be great though to see Alex kick the crap of these fools. The thing is, Alex promotes non-violence and he actually lives it.
Watch him clean RAIM's clock at the YouTube link below. In response to being called a white populist, and "playing the America card," Alex said, "Let's get one thing straight. I'm not going to buy into this corporate foundation guilt about me being a White guy. Foundations don't control me."
It's awesome watching Alex shred every bit of rhetorical, faux-Liberal bull that these guys throw at him. Alex knows basically everything about everything, and these over-privileged, twenty-something guilty White kids look pathetic and ridiculous trying to stand up to the mega-god of the patriot movement.
Keep going, Alex. Mow through all of them before the week is up!
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