I've put my support - morally, actively, and financially - behind Congressman Ron Paul for more than a year now. That said, I have no vote in the upcoming election. I will note cast a vote on Election Day. Not because I don't believe there is another worthy candidate out there.
I am so disgusted that Dr. Paul was blacked out by the criminal media dirt bags during the primaries and debates, and now is called upon almost every other day by CNN, Fox, MSNBC and everyone else. Sure, it's safe now. He's not in the race, so it's trendy and fashionable to listen to a bit of truth. The MSM figures, "no threat, but certainly some heightened ratings!" Yeah, let's take the hands-down most popular candidate "per-pound," so to speak, and parlay him into market share.
I've said it many times on this blog... these media dirt bags are right in line for treason charges when this country is reclaimed. Anyway, an issue for another day. For now...
My spiritual and blogging support will continue to be for one of three so called "Third Party" candidates. Independent Ralph Nader, Constitution Party representative Chuck Baldwin, and Green Party nominee Cynthia McKinney. By the way, they're ALL doubters of the official 9/11 fable.
"Libertarian" Bob Barr can go to hell. He's a Neo-Con opportunist that has unsuccessfully lobbied for Dr. Paul's support. Go away, Bob!
Now, on to Sarah "Wicked Witch of the Northwest" Palin.
I'm tired of looking at this wretch. She's a nobody who has hid under cover of being governor of a two-bit state while she's run around getting aroused by the killing of innocent and precious wildlife - among other things. But you know what, I'm not going to get into, nor particularly care about, the "other things" for now.
She likes to see wolves killed. She likes polar bears and wolves downgraded on the protected animal chart. A wolf's leg is worth $$ to her. Well, you know what's worth NOTHING, you piece of filth? Your daughter - pregnant with a bastard child. That's right. Normally, I couldn't care any less, but you act like you and your family are "of the Lord."
Now, I know this will completely turn off the Christian Right (I'm a baptised Catholic by the way). The same way that saying Ramos and Campeon were absolutely right in shooting those Mexicans makes you a racist. But, I'm tired of all of it, and I don't care. I'm not a racist, and not against Christians, and I don't buy into any of this.
I know Obama, Biden, McCain, and Palin are essentially the same at the end of the day. But the fact is, Palin is the one who gets off on killing defenseless, beautiful, and limited creatures. So, out of the two predetermined parties, I really do hope the Dems win. By the same token, I won't stop trashing them either, and look at my Obama posts before you accuse me of supporting some sort of "lesser of two evils."
1 comment:
Why aren't you voting in November?
What about the other items up for vote on the ballot?
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