Thousands showed up outside the U.N. today to protest an appearance in front of the global criminals by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in a complete parade of hypocrisy dubbed a Stop Iran rally.
The pro-Israel carnival had all its bases covered, with sheeple of every age, race, and color, endless banners and signs spouting lies, and trotting out author and Holocaust survivor Eli Weisel. This of course means that if you criticize today's rally, you're anti-Semetic, a holocaust denier, and whatever else. Well, I am neither of the aforementioned, but you'd better believe I found this protest comical and disgraceful at the same time.
"The proper place of Iran's pres, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not in the UN, not at university events, not at social or diplomatic dinners," author and Holocaust survivor Eli Weisel said. "His place is before a international tribunal who would try him for crimes against humanity."
What crimes against humanity, exactly? Clearly Iran's front man is nuts, and certainly isn't up for any peace prizes, but I don't recall his ever have engaged in anything nearly as criminal as what goes on publicly at the hands of the Israeli military in Gaza and the West Bank, and covertly around the world by the Mossad.
There were plenty of Muslim-hating morons out this morning spouting lies and propaganda about Ahmadinejad wanting to wipe Israel off the earth, and wanting another holocaust, and on and on. Then there was this:
Yossi Kahan said. "Disgusting Americans let tyrants come to [this country]."
That is true, but that certainly includes any number of Israeli government figures that have set foot on our soil.
As always, the center focus was on Iran's nuclear ambitions. How can these pro-Israel types demand Iran not develop weapons to protect itself, when Israel has hundreds of nukes and never hesitates to threaten other sovereign nations - including Iran. Having the mainstream media continually prop up Israel as good and Iran as evil, however, does nothing to help enlighten folks to what's actually going on.
The latest creation of the criminal corporate media had some astoundingly belligerent words as well. Sarah "Wicked Witch of the Northwest" Palin said in a prepared statement: [Ahmadinejad is a madman with] "an agenda that threatens all who seek a safer and freer world. We gather here today to highlight the Iranian dictator's intentions and to call for action to thwart him. He must be stopped."
Now go ask Ms. Palin if she can find Iran on a map.
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