Yes, it's true. Sarah Palin managed to mumble something resembling support for a new investigation into the 9/11 attacks. Before you go into shock or jump onto the Neo-Con bandwagon, however, keep in mind the jesters who have come before her. John Edwards, Joe Biden, and countless others. Not to mention John McCain - who posed for photos with Truthers holding 9/11 Truth banners.
And by the way, I'm not going to bother looking up links and posting them for you Neo-Con morons. If you don't believe me, Google the names, Google We Are Change, and watch the confrontations for yourselves. I'm frankly tired of wasting energy pasting links for no reason.
Apparently Palin yesterday had this to say when confronted about a new 9/11 investigation:
"I think that helps us get to the point of never again, and if anything that we could do could still complete that reminder out there.”
Exactly what does that mean in English? Not Alaskan, but American English?
So, let's not anoint her the next Charlie Sheen quite yet.
Aside from the rest of the mentally retarded syntax she's displayed over the past couple of months, I still can't get past the abject animal cruelty she takes part in in her home state of Alaska.
And I'm not talking here about whether or note polar bears are drowning because of melting ice caps. I simply mean plain old inhumane treatment of precious wild animals. Regardless of which side of the global warming issue you reside on - and quite frankly I haven't emigrated to either yet - you cannot possibly condone the aerial killing of beautiful and innocent animals that either at some point have been or are currently in dangerous decline.
I realize that all of these links are coming from a leftist angle. And I don't care. I am more than comfortable that I have shown a non-partisan view in my previous writings, and that I've grown from a registered Dem to someone who leans more to the "right" of center.
But when it comes to animals and their rights, I still have ZERO tolerance for hypocritical pieces of filth like Sarah Palin.
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