Speaking immediately after today's catastrophic passing of the bailout bill in the House, Ron Paul said that - among other things - the bill was unconstitutional.
"This time the bill was much worse," Paul said. "It's amazing. You take a very very bad bill, you take it back out, and you make it much worse. It tells you a little bit about what's going on here in Washington.
"The one very bad part of this bill was the fact that the tax portion of this bill was written by the Senate, and under the Constitution, only the House can originate tax bills. So that in itself was unconstitutional.
"But it's been done before and it will be done again. But that's just sort of the way things happen around here."
Congressman Paul added that the bill doesn't deal with the problem, and that it was simply symbolic of our overspending and over extension - "the absolute bankruptcy of this country."
Watch Dr. Paul's comments on the left hand side of this blog under Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty Feed, or at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL-9CV-qbMw&eurl=http://911trutheddie.blogspot.com/.
In contrast, this morning's debate on the House floor saw Nancy Pelosi spewing lies, lauding over the House leaders on both sides for selling out their constituents, and celebrating that 57 members of Congress have no spine and switched their vote. Later in the afternoon, George Bush came out of his hole to tell us how much of a victory the vote was. Yeah, George, about as effective as a "Mission Accomplished."
And let's not forget that the "yay" side of this treason - in both the House and Senate - include the likes of Barack Obama, John McCain, Joe Biden, Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Jay Rockefeller (yes, David's nephew), John Boehner, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, Ted Stevens, and on and on and on with the most disgusting members of Congress.
Note: Dennis Kucinich kept his word - as always - and voted no.
In addition to our heroes, Paul and Kucinich, it was nice to see that our reps, Garrett and Rothman, also voted NO on the bailout. On the night before the vote, I phoned Garrett's office and expressed my disapproval of the bailout.
However, I am disappointed in Bill Pascrell; he voted YES.
Forgot to mention this; I watched most of the voting/debating/etc... on Friday on cspan.org.
At one point, a caller phoned in to say that the bill is unconstitutional. The cspan host, for whatever reason, felt the need to ask the caller how/why the bailout bill was unconstitutional.
I think this just goes to show how far we've distanced ourselves from the supreme law of our country.
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