It's great to see Dr. Ron Paul on the cable news shows so much lately, but at the same time, it's so infuriating. During the run of Republican primaries and primary debates, Dr. Paul was nowhere to be found in polls, news shows, and debate face time. The corporate shills at CNN/FOX/MSNBC, et al. deliberately blacked him out. Now, he's a regular and just about every other day you turn around and there's Ron Paul again talking about the economy.
It makes perfect sense of course. Ron Paul is a economic mastermind and fiery critic of the banks, the criminal private Federal Reserve, and our monetary system. He knows exactly what he speaks of, and unlike most, he tells the truth when it comes to where we are financially, how we got here, and where we're headed.
If only the talking heads paid him so much attention over the past year and a half. We might just have finished watching three debates of Dr. Paul making Lord Obama look ridiculous.
This morning was the Congressman's most recent appearance on CNN, when he once again denounced our current monetary system, calling it "fraudulent."
"We created this problem," Dr. Paul said. "The Federal Reserve created this. The Community Reinvestment Act created it. The FDIC created it. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac created it."
Congressman Paul probably gets more airtime in a jam-packed morning show nowadays than every minute of time allotted him in every primary debate strung together. Remember when that piece of trash Anderson Cooper cut Dr. Paul off after roughly half of a 30-second answer?
And as always, CNN host John Roberts ended this morning's interview by saying, "Congressman Paul, it's always good to see you."
Yeah, but it wasn't so great to see the Good Doctor when valuable CNN exposure may have made a difference in voters' minds now, was it, John?
It makes perfect sense of course. Ron Paul is a economic mastermind and fiery critic of the banks, the criminal private Federal Reserve, and our monetary system. He knows exactly what he speaks of, and unlike most, he tells the truth when it comes to where we are financially, how we got here, and where we're headed.
If only the talking heads paid him so much attention over the past year and a half. We might just have finished watching three debates of Dr. Paul making Lord Obama look ridiculous.
This morning was the Congressman's most recent appearance on CNN, when he once again denounced our current monetary system, calling it "fraudulent."
"We created this problem," Dr. Paul said. "The Federal Reserve created this. The Community Reinvestment Act created it. The FDIC created it. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac created it."
Congressman Paul probably gets more airtime in a jam-packed morning show nowadays than every minute of time allotted him in every primary debate strung together. Remember when that piece of trash Anderson Cooper cut Dr. Paul off after roughly half of a 30-second answer?
And as always, CNN host John Roberts ended this morning's interview by saying, "Congressman Paul, it's always good to see you."
Yeah, but it wasn't so great to see the Good Doctor when valuable CNN exposure may have made a difference in voters' minds now, was it, John?
1 comment:
Hi Eddie,
These deceptions are now being widely and comprehensively exposed and are failing rapidly. No one in their right mind would continue to be enslaved by a proven deception, which is also proven to be undeniable slavery-by-proxy.
Understand clearly, that these leaders have, once again, been caught red-handed, with their pants down around their ankles, and their hands in the cookie-jar/till, colluding to exploit and deceive everyone and at a scale and scope that is absolutely mind-boggling. Furthermore, this model of civilization (money, politics, and religion) has repeatedly failed. Unlike past failures though, this one is global in scope and greatly compounded by massive international deception and rampant greed in the form of derivatives, other smoke and mirrors financial schemes (scams), and several layers of speculation. The same out-of-control "betting schemes" were also behind the skyrocketing oil prices of recent years.
The derivatives scams alone have grown to more than 10-times the entire global GDP (at last counting) and are now failing because the scam/pyramid scheme broke and exposed the deception for all to see. A significant portion of global wealth and power was created and propped-up using these and other now-proven smoke and mirrors and house of cards illusions and delusions. These deceptions have grown many times larger than the rest of the entire world economy. Consequently, there is no way that all of the world's governments combined, who themselves borrow so-called "money" from other central-bank smoke and mirror deceptions, can solve this debacle, by using more smoke and mirrors money scams. The only solutions they are offering will take centuries to repay, if ever.
So, why should all of humanity be forced to suffer and struggle any longer now that the entire global financial system has been exposed as a mind-boggling deception within many other deceptions?
Here is Wisdom...
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