Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Alright, Lord Obama, Let's See Some "Real Change"

We've heard it for months. Two extremely bland words strung together to convey and connote absolutely nothing. Real. Change.

Of course the mesmerized public bought the siren song wholesale, and here we are - saddled with a president who's accomplished nothing politically, who completely phoned in his public service in the Senate for the past year - barely casting a single vote - and when he did, it was to support the criminal Wall Street bailout, and fall in lock step with the Neo-Cons.

So while Barack Obama emptily promises change, what it is that he really should do beginning in January to truly affect change?

Paul Joseph Watson at Prison Planet laid it out perfectly in a great article this morning. He called Obama out with laser like efficiency.

"Let’s be generous and give Obama the whole four years of his initial term to make significant progress on the following issues," Watson writes. "Here are some questions about 'change' that we are going to be keeping track of until 2012. "

- Will Obama repeal Patriot Acts I and II as well as reversing Bush’s signing statement and acknowledging the repeal of the John Warner Defense Authorization Act?

- Will Obama support Dennis Kucinich’s efforts to bring war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney and others for deceiving the country into a war or will he protect them against such charges like Nancy Pelosi has done?

- Will Obama bring war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney and others for authorizing torture and will the torture of suspects under U.S. detention, a complete violation of both the Constitution and the Geneva Conventions, cease under an Obama administration?

- Will Obama withdraw American troops from Iraq and Afghanistan without sending them away again to bomb another broken-backed third world country in the name of a UN-supported “humanitarian” war?

- Will Obama end the warrantless secret surveillance and phone-taps of American citizens?

- Will Obama follow through on his rhetorical support for the second amendment or will he seek to ban guns as he did in Illinois?

- Will Obama cease his support for the Bush-administration backed banker bailouts, hated by the majority of Americans, and target the real cause of the problem - the Federal Reserve - or will he continue to give taxpayers’ money to banks who are merely hoarding it all for themselves?

- Will Obama seek to continue the militarization of America and preparations for martial law through Northcom and the secret government or will he dismantle the police state that has been constructed over the last eight years by the Bush administration?

Great job as always by Watson. Let us just hope that we'll continue to be able to read articles at Prison Planet and write blogs like this one come next year - without being labeled a terrorist, anti-American, or sadly, even a racist.

With the way the public reacted last night, you'd have thought Christ, Muhammed, Yahweh, Beelzebub, Marvin the Martian, or whoever folks worship, had landed in Chicago's Grant Park. It was scary.

Now let me be clear. I completely understand the joy black voters must have felt. They've waited a long time for this, and they deserve to rejoice in the moment. However, it was the reaction of the white voters that was so disturbing. You'd have thought they just had their own 200-year-old slate cleaned. And based on what? Absolutely nothing but blind, mindless worship. These are folks who while hating Bush and his policies will now love the same agenda over the next four years.

Oh, and Revered Jackson, you piece of garbage, get one thing straight. Anyone in the know is well aware you couldn't care less about black people. You care about money and your fake image. Take your crocodile tears and drown them - along with yourself - in Lake Michigan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So only black people have been waiting for this? A white person cannot celebrate a black president with the same enthusiasm?

Come on.