As a result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, the FBI and Justice Department have released 10 new videos containing footage of the 9/11 attacks. According to Steve Watson at Infowars.net, some of the videos were seized by the FBI in the hours after the attacks, and others were handed over to 9/11 investigators.
While much of the footage is quite fascinating and well shot, none of it contains much in the way of revelation. There is a telling shot of molten steel dripping from the towers, but that has certainly been shown, written about, debated over, and all but proven to truly be molten steel ad infinitum.
There is one poor quality and incomplete shot of the South Tower's collapse, but nothing we haven't seen before, and certainly nowhere near as incriminating as the hundreds of clips that clearly show a beautifully controlled demolition to both WTC 1 and 2.
And of course, there is not one single second of Pentagon footage. Wonder why that is, huh?
The videos were obtained by FOIA attorney Scott Hodes. Out of 64 videos requested, Hodes was granted 10. How generous of the Feds.
All 10 videos can be seen at http://www.penttbom.com/.
Keep in mind that our criminal government maintains that aside from the five tell-nothing, show-nothing frames of a fireball at the Pentagon released several years ago, there is no existing Pentagon footage.
But of course. The most heavily guarded building in the history of the world assuredly isn't equipped with any - let alone 100 - surveillance cameras.
1 comment:
Someone else said it better than me:
"These people (in the 9/11 truth movement) use the 'reverse scientific method.' They determine what happened, throw out all the data that doesn't fit their conclusion, and then hail their findings as the only possible conclusion."
Meanwhile, while people debate whether an aircraft actually crashed into the pentagon, whether there was a controlled demolition at WTC or whether flight 93 was shot down George Bush and his cronies openly defaced the constitution, voided Habeas Corpus, passed the PATRIOT ACT, started a war, GOT RE_ELECTED and now walks off into the sunset without a scratch.
Why would anyone sit around debating nonsense while crimes were being committed by a sitting President? It boggles the mind.
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