Leave it to Dr. Paul to provide us with some sanity when things have quickly devolved so far out of control that Fox News is worshiping at the Obama altar.
Speaking with Alex Jones yesterday, the Congressman explained just how disturbed the idea of an Obama administration makes him. When Alex asked him if he feels any sense of dread, Dr. Paul said, “I do feel it but I don’t think it’s brand new. I didn’t wake up with it, I’ve had it for a while. I don’t think the election was a surprise, but the rhetoric is getting pretty strong and they are getting very bold.”
Congressman Paul also basically agreed that the whole election was a dog and pony show, completely pre-determined with John McCain out there to take a fall in favor of the Wall Street prince, Barack Obama.
"I think McCain was obviously backup candidate in case something happened where Obama didn't win," Dr. Paul said. "They've been positioning Obama for a long long time. He's probably spent more money than everyone else combined over the past two years."
The Congressman also eluded to the media's sickening adoration of and bias toward Obama.
"Anybody who would have gotten that much favorable coverage for so long, you know that the plans have been laid for him to be the individual that is going to be taking care of the corporate elite," he said.
If only we could have had Congressman Paul debating Obama over the past few months.
Although, the intellectually devoid Obamakins would probably not have been able to comprehend a single sentence of sound logic, true patriotism, and real solutions.
1 comment:
Ron Paul is the real deal. If I could make a dream ticket it would be him and Kucinich (wouldn't matter which was VP or Pres). Sure they are in opposing parties but they are remarkably similar in their honesty and in their steadfast convictions.
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