Friday, January 30, 2009

Schools Out of Control With Obama Worship

On my morning bus commute from Northern New Jersey to Manhattan earlier this week, I witnessed a startling - if not surprising - example of the abject bankruptcy of American education.

Displayed prominently in the classroom windows of a middle school were gigantic construction paper cutouts of letters spelling "OBAMA" in one window, and "YES WE CAN" in the adjacent window.

The town in which the school sits is predominantly black and Latino, and I can certainly appreciate the pride minorities are feeling in the November election results, but there is no room in a "free and open" society for such blatant endorsement of political candidates and brainwashing of children in a public educational facility. Not only is what children are taught in school a pack of lies and propaganda, but evidently they are now expected to fall in line with whatever political affiliation or candidate a school's administration deems proper.

Sickening how the continuing decline of American Education can now so easily dovetail with the blind, zombie-like worshiping of Barack Obama.

Steve Watson at wrote a story yesterday detailing more of this pro-Obama cheerleading in this country's schools.

Anyone who thinks for a second that this is any different than the forced idolatry seen in places like Red China, the Soviet Union, or Nazi Germany is a fool.

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