By now millions have seen the footage from Monday when Alex Jones ripped into Michelle Malkin during the DNC for her blatant lying, support for internment of Americans, and championing of torture. The entire time Alex was assaulted by Malkin's goons, yet never himself got physical or made any threats. Of course, that doesn't matter, as the media is now claiming Alex called for Malkin's murder.
Nevermind that there are endless videos on YouTube, InfoWars, and everywhere else on the web which show two Obama supporters (pictured above) yell out "Kill Michelle Malkin." These dirtbags are probably affiliated with Recreate 68 or one of its spin-off groups, as they've been trying all week to incite an incident with Alex, the InfoWars crew, and the We Are Change Colorado folks. They are so transparent on the video. They run up acting like a couple of drunken frat douche bags, trying to act like they love and worship Alex. Just take another look at the picture. Does that not drip with "dumbed-down, brainwashed, bought-and-paid-for"?
Now everyone from Fox News to the Fort Collins Weekly are vilifying Alex. Alex called in live to his show yesterday and told guest host Jason Bermas that Fox News trolls were coming up to him and asking why he's calling for Malkin's murder. He said that when he warned them to be careful about such slander, they responded by saying, "well, it's already out there all over the place." Great journalistic morals and ethics there, you scum.
You know what wasn't out there everywhere? When Michael Reagan called for the murder of Mark Dice and 9/11 Truthers earlier this summer. When the Neo-Con filth talk show host said he'd even pay for the bullets, no one in the media - least of all Fox News - said word one.
1 comment:
Is there such a thing as bad publicity?
I actually think some good will come of this; likely an increase in the size of Alex's listening audience.
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