Thursday, August 28, 2008

Enough is Enough with the Lying Media Whores

I write over and over and over again on this blog about the filthy mainstream media (MSM). It gets old to write about, and I'm sure it gets old reading my thoughts on it. Unfortunately, I can't stop because these pieces of filth just continue to top themselves day after day.

Ever since Monday's confrontation between Alex Jones and Michelle Malkin at the DNC in Denver, the dirtbags in the MSM have been spewing lie after lie saying Alex called for killing Malkin. It doesn't matter that video after video on the internet clearly show a couple of Obama supporting frat boy provocateurs yelling "Kill Michelle Malkin" and quickly blaming it on Alex.

To the rational human being with a brain, this seems silly and harmless enough. The MSM, though, has no rationale, no brains, and increasingly I'm questioning whether they're human.

Check out some of the crap on the Dallas Morning News blog from some corporate kiss-ass, spineless, treasonous, New World Order loving piece of garbage named Mark Davis.

Conservative writer and blogger Michelle Malkin was apparently attacked by violent idiots yesterday, egged on by one of the most repugnant human beings attending this convention — and the competition for that title is crowded.

I refer to the cretinous Alex Jones, who hosts what passes for a radio talk show on a few stations unwise enough to carry it. His blend of 9/11 conspiracy bunk and other baseless scaremongering makes him a complete idiot, a designation which gives him plenty of innocent company. But in shouting “Kill Michelle Malkin!” at a protest yesterday, he reveals himself to be not just a dismissible loon, but a despicable soul whom I would identify as a blight on my industry if I actually considered him to be a part of it. (Emphasis added.)

Lie after lie after lie. Malkin was not attacked. Alex's show - as we know - is the number one rated internet radio show in the land. Absolutely nothing Alex says is baseless. He never shouted "Kill Michelle Malkin." And no, Mark Davis, Alex isn't part of your industry, because he isn't a lying piece of sh** with no soul who worships the global elite and does whatever they tell you to.

I wrote this yesterday, but I'll say it again. Where the hell were the media when Neo-Con demon Michael Reagan called for the murder of Mark Dice and all 9/11 Truthers? The answer is nowhere, and that actually DID happen - unlike what they're accusing Alex of.

I really don't know how Alex is maintaining such cool. Not only has he been constantly harassed by provocateurs all week, he's being hounded by media scum that want to know why he did what he didn't do, and everywhere you turn, some cowardly "journalist" is calling for his head.

I've said this before as well, and I'll say it again. If and when we actually get our country back, all of these MSM shills need be tried and hung right along side the criminals running our government. They are absolutely no different. They are the fourth branch in a tree of pure evil.

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