I've been remiss this week in addressing Ron Paul's endorsement of Consitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin for president. With the robber barrons running around pillaging from the American people, and letting myself be partially diverted by Sarah Palin's mental retardation, I've sort of left this on the back burner.
By now most have likely read Dr. Paul's statement from his Campaign for Liberty website, so I thought I'd just post a few of what I consider to be the most poignant parts of his announcement.
The entire statement can be found at http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog/?p=582.
From Dr. Paul:
"The press conference at the National Press Club had a precise purpose. It was to expose, to as many people as possible, the gross deception of our presidential election process. It is controlled by the powerful elite to make sure that neither candidate of the two major parties will challenge the status quo..."
"This unique press conference, despite the surprising, late complication from the Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate, hopefully will prove to be historically significant...
"This does not mean that I expect to get Ralph Nader or Cynthia McKinney to become libertarians, nor do they expect me to change my mind on the issues on which we disagree. In the meantime, why can’t we be friends, respectful of each other, and fight the corrupt process from which we suffer, and at the same time champion the four issues that we all agree upon which the two major candidates won’t address?..."
"The Libertarian Party Candidate admonished me for “remaining neutral” in the presidential race and not stating whom I will vote for in November. It’s true; I have done exactly that due to my respect and friendship and support from both the Constitution and Libertarian Party members. I remain a lifetime member of the Libertarian Party and I’m a ten-term Republican Congressman. It is not against the law to participate in more then one political party. Chuck Baldwin has been a friend and was an active supporter in the presidential campaign..."
"I’ve thought about the unsolicited advice from the Libertarian Party candidate, and he has convinced me to reject my neutral stance in the November election. I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate."
Good luck, Chuck!
Vote Third Party! It is now clear that the duopoly of the 'Demicans and Republocrats' no longer govern on behalf of the American people. They are both bought and paid for by corporate interests.
"This is the beginning of the realignment of American politics." - Ralph Nader, September 10, 2008
The 1992 Presidential Debates with Ross Perot were not dull. His warnings have now come true. Replace John McCain with Ron Paul. Add Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney. Barack Obama must earn his victory, not win by default.
Washington University '81
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