While the Republicrats and the Democans continue to ninny over exactly how many billions to reward the Wall Street crooks with, the folks at Farm Aid - led by Willie Nelson - have a message for the puppets in Washington. Redirect the money to working class Americans, namely farmers.
“The proposed $700 bailout asks taxpayers to foot the bill without giving them the opportunity to share in any gains that might result,” Willie Nelson said. “On the other hand, a $1 billion investment in family farm agriculture would enrich all of us, because we are all shareholders of the family farm. The return on investment in the family farm includes thriving local economies, nutritious food for better health, a safer and more secure food supply, a cleaner environment and more renewable energy.”
Why do that, Willie? We need to grease the pockets of the criminals who orchestrated what will likely prove the greatest economic crisis in U.S. history before we help anyone else. Just listen to the shills on the cable news shows, and disgusting people like author and personal finance "expert" Suze Orman - the bailout is great. We should have done it sooner!
Thank God there are still true patriots like Willie Nelson and the rest of the folks at Farm Aid. While the government rapes the citizenry, and puts illegal aliens' health care and education ahead of the working class Americans' jobs, health care, education, money, and everything else, there are a few folks still looking out for the greater good.
Don't forget, also, Willie's huge contributions this year to the 9/11 Truth movement.
You can read the complete Farm Aid open letter to Congress at: www.farmaid.org/lettertocongress
1 comment:
Don't forget, also, Nelson's huge support for Congressman Dennis Kucinich!
He endorsed Kucinich for president, and said he was attracted to Kucinich first because of the Ohio congressman's passionate defense of family farmers. But, as he campaigned for Kucinich, Nelson picked up on the anti-war message that had been central to Kucinich's run for the White House.
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