Friday, June 13, 2008

Another Slap in the Face from the Filthy MSM

For the past year, we've seen virtually no MSM coverage of Ron Paul outside of the various fraudulent debates. (Except for the time or two he was excluded from those as well). And every now and then when the Pentagon-run cable "news" outlets did reference the good doctor, it was to mock him. Well, now Ron Paul has more or less conceded his presidential campaign... and Fox, CNN and the rest of the shills can't say enough about it!

I'd venture a guess there's been more Ron Paul coverage over the air during the past 36 hours than the past 36 weeks. Everywhere you looked yesterday, it was Ron Paul this, Ron Paul that. And, amazingly, I didn't catch one snickering comment. Even an LA Times blog this morning was fair to the Congressman - and they're usually banging the biggest pots and pans in the smear campaign.

Could it be that all of these clowns are breathing a collective sigh of relief? Not that Ron Paul is going away - we all know he's only begun his plan of action. But the talking heads are none the wiser. They see this as a huge victory, and probably feel like they're being gracious winners.

To think that if so many in the media were galvanized to get Dr. Paul's message of liberty out as they are to toll the bell now, we'd likely be looking at an entirely different Fall of 2008.

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