Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Does It Even Matter Anymore What a Radio Host Says?

Once again we have Don Imus at the forefront of a racial brouhaha. The difference is, this time what he said seems to have been completely misconstrued. Even if it wasn't, what difference does it make anyway? We have a completely ambiguous remark resonating throughout the entire filthy MSM, while not one iota of the CIA-run trash has yet to comment on the June 10 Michael Reagan solicitation of murder against 9/11 Truthers.

Let's get real here people. This election is shaping up to be the most divisive and appalling in history. Tragically, we have two inept New World Order minions on either side. Even more tragically, one is black, one is white, the general public can't see past color, the NWO hates us all equally, and all the while we're headed more and more rapidly into complete tyranny. The MSM has really done it this time. Their cover up of 9/11 was stellar. Their wholesale pitch on the Iraq war worked like a charm. They've managed to sell the retarded public on the complete destruction of the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments. Now, they're ready to send the U.S. into total war in the streets over race.

Neither McCain or Obama has any legitimate platform. Case in point - we've been relegated thus far to talking points about race, public over private campaign funds, and who's tougher on terror. It's laughable. No matter how much our dollar is devalued, no matter how much oil prices increase, no matter how much more we pay for milk, cheese, juice, or any product containing corn, the sheeple still manage to gravitate toward terrorism. When will we wake up? IT'S ALL STAGED!!! It doesn't matter who is president. One month into Clinton's first term we have the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Eight months into the first George W. term, we have 9/11. God only knows what's in store this time. These puppets run nothing!

We're in a race against time. Before the current Neo-Con criminal empire is up and one of these stooges takes office, will we be able to convince enough of the general public that - minus about 5 of more than 500 members of Congress - they ALL need to be thrown out and tried for treason; both parties, no exceptions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both parties?
They're really just one party nowadays. I just haven't decided if they're "Republocrats" or "Demicans."