Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Feds Apparently Infiltrate RonPaulWarRoom.Com

It's 7:37 p.m. on Tuesday, July 15, and I just logged on to ronpaulwarroom.com. Scrolling down the page to read the latest posts and see if there have been any comments to my posts from last night, I saw some pretty sick and twisted stuff.

The site is presently chock-full-of pornography. Prominent pictures of breasts, genitals, and the rest of it. Now, I've got nothing against porn or naked women. I enjoy it as much as the next guy. This is obviously not the forum, however, and apparently the site has been infiltrated. Only shills of the New World Order would log on to this site and post smut. Even most of the trash that disagrees with us just spews nonsense and Neo-Con talking points. This is a new low.

I guess the moral here is that they can no longer fight us on any of the actual issues. Resortion to these tactics is the only way. They figure, hey, "the site is full of real patriots trying to spread truth and who care about our country. Let's get them shut down by any means possible."

Well, here's a news flash for you, you two-faced punks; nothing Alex Jones-related WILL EVER be shut down!

I've just emailed screenshots to Paul Joseph Watson, Aaron Dykes, and Kurt Nimmo at infowars.com (Alex Jones's headquarters) for documentation in case no one has seen this yet. I refuse to post the smut here, however.

Stay tuned for developements...

(update - Friday, July 18)

I logged on to ronpauwarroom.com for the first time today at 6:15 p.m., and the porn appears to have been removed. I recall it being up there about 22 hours ago when I posted my latest blog, but hopefully it's gone for good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello it was an insecure wordpress installation you fag