Saturday, July 12, 2008

Is Iran a Threat or Not? Make Up Your Neo-Con Minds!

Let's take a trip back to this past Wednesday. Iran test-fired long-range missles, threatening the poor U.S. and the Zionists in Isarael. A top Israeli spokesman said, "The Iranian nuclear program and the Iranian ballistic missle program must be of concern for the entire national community."

One day later, U.S. intelligence is running around saying Iran did NOT fire long-range missles. Instead, they claim Iran set off up to seven short-to-medium range missles. So which is it? Are they antagonizing Israel and the West, and are they a dreaded nuclear foe, or are they makng up stories of their capabilities? Regardless of the answer, does Israel need our "obligation to help our allies defend themselves...?"

Well, if a country that has 400 nukes needs to be protected from a nation that arugably can't get more than three missles off of the ground (per the whole 3 of 4 Photoshop U.S./Israeli intelligence argument), they're pretty pathetic. Of couse, this isn't the mindset though. Rather, Israel continues to use the U.S. as a puppet as it runs around the Middle East breaking every law and enforcing every shady treaty it can to prohibit its neighbors from possessing nuclear weapon defense. Israel can do what it wants, when it wants, but God forbid anyone else dare.

It's tragically comic that this latest outrage stems from a half-assed missle test by Iran, given that last month Israel ran hard-core drillls over Eurpoe intended to intimindate the Iranians.

This is not a religous blog. This is not an anti-Israel blog. Don't even think about starting some kind of faith-based b.s. argument here and emailing me with Zionest crap. I do, however, refuse to stay silent while our country is dipped further into debt and winless war because our puppet strings are pulled by the Israelis. IT NEEDS TO STOP!

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