Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Key House Election in New Jersey

Below is my recent letter to House hopeful Dennis Shulman, who is attempting to unseat Neo-Con piece of trash Scott Garrett in the 5th District of New Jersey this November.

Dear Dennis:

For 31+ years I was a resident of the 5th District of New Jersey. Without going too far back into history, I’ll just say that the past six years with Scott Garrett have been a disgrace. As it turns out, I am now a resident of D-9 as I have moved to Hackensack. On the one hand, I am glad to have a Rep. like Steve Rothman. On the other hand, I still loathe the fact that my parents are in D-5 and face another term for this Neo-Con.

I am a registered Democrat, but as you’ll see by my email signature below, my support for Election 2008 has been for Congressman Ron Paul. I have gotten to the point where I am past party line voting and support. I now can only vote on a case-by-case basis given the platforms of the candidates. At the top levels, Sir, both parties appear to be bought and paid for.

I can say, however, that I’ve read through your bio and positions, and while I don’t agree with everything, I certainly do hope that the residents of D-5 put you into office this Fall.

I realize that I am no longer a constituent of yours, but as I mentioned, my parents are. Thus, I ask one thing of you when you take office. Please be a champion for a new, truly independent investigation into the events of September 11, 2001. We the People have been lied to about what happened that day, and the families of the 2900+ victims deserve, once and for all, some real answers.

With respect, and with hopes of your election,

Edward J. Chupak

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of greats named Dennis, aren't there?

-Denis Leary (comedian/actor)
-Denis D'amour (Voivod)
-Ledger (aka - the Ledge)
-Denis Potvin (Islanders Defenseman)
-Dennis Brain (greatest horn player ever)