Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Latest Bull from the BBC

The BBC ran yet another filthy 9/11 Hit Piece on Sunday night. This time the focus was largely on Building 7. I haven't seen this bunch of bull yet, but all reports indicate it's even more comical and pathetic than the last hit piece they did in February of 2007.

Honestly, I can't even stomach trying to outline what I've read and heard about it so far. It's too infuriating to even think about. How a media outlet as large as the BBC can get away with flat out lies, slander, and revisionist history is plain sickening.

Perhaps after I view this joke, I'll have something more to say. For now, watch Alex Jones and Jason Bermas discuss the piece at:

In response to the BBC shenanigans, Dylan Avery over at Loose Change also released the entire Barry Jennings video today. You'll recall Jennings was the Deputy Director of the NYC Emergency Services Dept. on 9/11, and talked with Dylan at length about bombs in WTC7.

Dylan, Jason, Alex, Luke Rudkowski, et al. are all just absolutely incredible and amazing individuals. It's like they have a deck of 52 aces. Every time the MSM tries to concoct more debunking nonsense, these guys present yet another document or video with clear-cut, undeniable, stone-cold evidence crushing the official story.

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