Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ron Paul Too Cool Over Assassination Attempt

Ron Paul appeared for a quick five-minute segment on the Alex Jones Show today. This comes on the heels of Dr. Paul's emergency plane landing on Tuesday after cabin depressurization. His response was once again a cool-handed brush-off, but another frustrating example of how he will not come straight out and accuse anyone of the things we know are going on. He was too passive in the Republican debates. He wasn't being treated fairly anyway, so he should have gone for broke.

We know 9/11 is an Inside Job; on this topic he falls short - unlike Kucinich in terms of boning-up with such accusations. We know they tried to kill Dr. Paul on Tuesday; his response is passive.

It has become frustrating to watch the best qualified candidate for president - based on everyday domestic and foreign policy - play sheepish when it comes to his own life and the intentions this Neo-Con regime has in store for anyone like Dr. Paul. This is why over the past two months or so, Dennis Kucinich has shot past Ron Paul as our congressional champion.

Alex asked him what happened, and the Congressman responded, "It was obviously a significant event, because it's not very often you see these oxygen masks all down in your face, and actually the people did pretty well, they remained calm, everybody grabbed it and started breathing."

Dr. Paul lasers in on the dollar and economic policy, and he's absolutely the champion of that issue. He might be the only member of Congress with any clue of what's really going on economically. He's at the tip of the spear in terms of slaying the Federal Reserve and our current monetary system. He's slightly disappointed in other areas though. When it comes to 9/11, assassination attempts, and the flat-out rogue nation of Bush and Cheney, he simply falls short of Kucinich.

There is no doubt Ron Paul is a 100% Champion of the People. Dennis Kucinich is just a little more willing to step up and spit venom in the face of the Neo-Cons.


Anonymous said...

you are remarkably divorced from reality you fag king

lololol it was an assassination. or the more logical conclusion is that it was a malfunction

instead of trying to make reality fit your beliefs make your beliefs based on reality

also you are still a faggot

Anonymous said...

First, I will point out that it is hard to respect the opinion of someone who posts anonymously, and uses the words "fag" and "faggot."

Also, what are your thoughts on Cynthia McKinney, who recently got the Green Party nomination? I don't know much about her, but I understand she's interested in a new investigation on 9/11.

9/11 Truth Eddie said...

Like Cynthia McKinney a lot. She's in Loose Change Final Cut. She gets right down to business. I'm surprised they haven't tried to off her. A black female who says "inside job," and who is a constant thorn in the Administration's side...