Monday, August 4, 2008

Clinton: From "First Black Prez" to Racist? So say Obama Camp and the MSM

Since way back in the early 1990s, Bill Clinton was unofficially tabbed "America's First Black President." Both the black community and the corporate media had no problem in perpetuating this myth right up through this year's Primary season.

Now the Obama camp is claiming Bill is a racist, based on certain semi-distasteful remarks he made during the heated battle between Hillary and Barack. In and of itself, this is more meaningless nonsense - regardless of Bill's true feelings. What is the issue here, is that we have the Vice President scheming up the next false flag terror attack, we have the government running around imprisoning everyone for the 2001 anthrax attacks - subsequently killing suspects while in custody - with absolutely no just cause, and it's come out that the White House was already taking Cipro - an anti-Anthrax pill - the day before 9/11?

These are smoking guns! Hell, they're smoking missiles! Is the MSM covering any of this? Aside from a few log cabins here and a couple of caves there, you can't find anything on this stuff. Yet, I just finished watching a 20-minute discussion on CNN about whether Bill Clinton is racist. It's even gotten to the point where the most respected living American journalist, Seymour Hersh, is taking a rather lassie-fare approach to the White House's criminality.

It's always been said the media were the fourth branch of government. Given the criminal activities of the original three branches over the past decade or so, they certainly fit right in - and certainly deserve the official crowning as the fourth corner of the tyrannical box we're trappped in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the hell are you doing watching CNN?