Monday, August 25, 2008

Recreate 68: Provocateurs or Just Plain Hypocrites?

It's not enough that normal, peaceful, Constitution-loving citizens in and around Denver beginning today will be deluged with fake Liberalism, a socialist nightmare of a Presidential candidate, a goon squad of police and military clawing at the walls to attack innocents, and ready-made concentration camps.

Now peaceful protesters, regular citizens, Alex Jones and the InfoWars crew, and anyone else who speaks out will need keep an eye on a beatnik bunch of apparent provocateurs - Recreate 68.

This is a group that on its website states, among other things, that it stands:

"To maintain solidarity with, and respect the guidelines of, all permitted activities, recognizing that there are many individuals who seek a safe and peaceful protest."

This is interesting, considering members of Recreate have been seen with placards calling the 9/11 Truth Movement an anachronism, a thing of the past. That doesn't exactly display solidarity or respect as far as I'm concerned. Of course, with the overwhelming success 9/11 Truth has shown - and continues to show - the Recreate clowns must feel the need to a) bring us down out of jealousy or b) attempt to tarnish the name and motives of the movement in order to have Truthers like We Are Change Colorado removed from the Denver festivities.

And by the way, if demanding the truth behind an 8-year-old murder of 3000 people is archaic, how can you be comfortable running around under a moniker that cites events of 40 years ago?

The Recreaters have also been spotted with signs sporting, "we support the immigrants" - written in Spanish of course. What they mean is that they support the illegal aliens. Now, supporting the "illegal" actions of "illegal" aliens certainly doesn't help to: "support and participate in efforts to assure civil liberties for everyone in Denver...," which is also in Recreate 68's mission statement. Instead, under the guise of "speak[ing] out against police targeting and differential treatment of people based on race, gender, sexual orientation, accent, or appearance," they're supporting measures that each day continue to erode the rights, liberties, freedoms, quality of life, and safety of each and every LEGAL American citizen.

I suppose Recreate 68 is already doing its job, as I and so many others waste time and energy writing and talking about these brainwashed zombies. Meanwhile, there is real danger looming.

With the mass detention centers in place, the Denver Police Department is gearing up for a field day - or week as it were. The ACLU obtained a DPD bulletin which lists some of the following items as indicators of violent protests: handheld radios, maps, bicycles, and camping information.

You can be sure pocket Constitutions will be grounds for arrest as well.

Check out live coverage of the DNC with Alex Jones at

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