Tuesday, October 14, 2008

11-22-08 - END THE FED!

Protests will be held outside of each of the 38 criminal Federal Reserve hideouts on November 22 - 98 years after the Creature From Jeckyll Island was conceived, and 45 years to the day that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

The movement - entitled End the Fed - will attempt to bring further attention to the criminal and unconstitional monetary practices that have completely devalued our dollar and are bringing our country to its knees.

Among those endorsing the protest(s) are Gov. Jesse Ventura, Sen. Mike Gravel, G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jeckyll Island, and William Lewis, creator of the documentary, Washington, You're Fired.

You can find out more about the events, learn more about the Federal Reserve, and join the action at: http://endthefed.us/. Also, check out the End the Fed blog at: http://endthefed.blogspot.com/.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Care to join me tomorrow on Wall Street for the Nader/Gonzalez "Jail Time, Not Bail time" protest?

I'll be there by 12:00 Noon. Let me know!
