Monday, June 30, 2008

The March To Tehran

Thank you Seymour Hersh of The New Yorker for your "breaking news" piece on the Neo-Cons' amped-up aggressions toward Iran. You're only a few months late though. Any reputable alternative media site has been reporting for three years now that Washington has been incrementally building towards a mega-attack on Iran. Truthfully, the U.S. has been passively attacking Tehran and it's outlying areas for up to five years now, but things look like they're about to go Shock and Awe style before George and Dick leave office in January.

Despite the fact that warships have been moving in for the past 18 months, and the rhetoric has been growing (recall - Iran backs al-Qaeda), the past few days have been the first time the MSM has really begun to let on that we're headed toward yet another illegal war.

Speaking of Iran backing al-Qaeda... the MSM has been championing this talking point for quite some time. However, this New Yorker piece is probably the first MSM evidence that the CIA is behind these breakaway faction, Sunni terrorist groups that have been wreaking havoc in Iran. Once more, let's recap. Any aggressive, bomb-happy, outlaw terrorist group found in the Middle East or Central Asia is almost always Sunni. Iran is a Shiite nation. Arch enemies of these so-called al-Qaeda groups. It doesn't matter though. The MSM will spin and spin, and the average moron on the streets of the U.S. will continue to believe that Iranians are evil Arab Sunnis in league with al-Qaeda. All the while, this latest report alleges that our Congress rubber-stamped $400 million for Bush to have the CIA rile up these groups and have them go on a bombing raid inside of Iran.

As far back as 2005, U.N. Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter went on record as saying that intelligence gathering and the mobilization of indigenous opposition groups (Sunni al-Qaeda) are all being carried out by the CIA-backed special forces routed in Iran. One of the favorite M.O.s of these groups are massive suicide bombings on mosques, buses, schools, and the rest of it. Funny how these same attacks within Iraq are reason for us to stay there and demonize that set of Middle Eastern people.

It also appears that one of the largest groups our CIA is currently backing in it's antagonizing of the Iranians is the MEK (Mujahedeen-e Khalq), an anti-Shiite Iranian rebel group once fully supported by Saddam Hussein. This is a group also alleged to have supported the 1979 takeover of the Iranian U.S. Embassy and taking of American hostages for 444 days. But like always, we cherry pick our rules and morals. Don't forget, we've been both friend and foe in less than 30 years with both Osama bin-Laden and Saddam Hussein.

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