Tuesday, July 1, 2008

McCain, Obama and the Race to Tehran

Let's face it... the race to prove who's tougher on Iran has begun. It's absolutely incredible that we haven't learned from the past five years and the absolute annihilation we've suffered in Iraq. Now we're witnessing the election-year posturing regarding Iran. We all know McCain is all for the complete destruction of a country his supporters can't find on a map. What is genuinly surprising, however, is that Obama's Campaign Communications Director, Robert Gibbs has told CNN that "no options are off the table" in regards to Iran.

For a candidate that continues to spout the fact he did NOT vote for the Iraq war, this is pretty hysterical (although not funny at all). The only reason Obama did not vote for the war in Iraq is that he had not yet taken office at the time of the resolution. Is there anyone alive - Republican or Democratc - who thinks he would have cast a "nay" if in public office at that point? Sadly, yes. Every mainline liberal in the U.S.

We need to pay very close attention to both sides of this issue over the next few months. At this point, we have no faction of our goverment acting towards the best interests of the American people.

But then again, who cares about the American people? If the majority of power did, we would not be in Iraq, we would not be printing money out of thin air, we would not be instigating illegal wars, we would not be on the verge of economic depression, martial law, and the Second Revolution in the history of the United States. Keep pushing us, New World Order. You're going to find out what the meaning of revolt is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Don't mean to push... But, I'm being shoved! Ohh, I'm just like you... think we've had enough." - Vedder, "Whipping" from 'Vitalogy'