Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tired of the Perverted Feds on the Ron Paul Sites

It's 7:45 p.m. on Tues., Aug. 5, and I just logged on to ronpaulwarroom.com to see what was up and if anyone commented on my post from last night. And what am I met with? A treasure trove of gay black porn. This comes on the heels of what I blogged about weeks ago.


During the second week of July, Feds obviously infiltrated the site, as there were - for days on end - countless XXX pornographic pics posted on the message boards. As I said then, I have nothing against naked women or porn - when in the proper forum. This, however, is not only the improper forum, it's now been upgraded to gay sex photos. I guess that means the hardcore Neo-Cons have gotten involved, as they love the gay sex. In fact, they have them at the White House every night. Don't believe me? Look it up, you zombie pieces of filth!

On one hand this is great because it means that we're having such a collective effect in the info war that these sumbags have to resort to this. On the other hand, it's scary because the outcome is quite predictable. The Feds will just come in and say, "this site has porn, it's not of the Lord, shut it down." And before you roll your eyes, just look at proof that they want ANY excuse to shut down alternative media sites. Here is a link to a perfect example.


It's okay as long as the retarded public supports John McCain - or more importantly - Barack Obama. It's fine as long as the same retards believe that the dollar is strong, that the recent lowering of gas prices is for real, and that they aren't headed to FEMA Camps at the first urge of the New World Order. Just keep them believing that they have a choice and that they have a future. In this realm, we're losing. Although we're an increasingly forceful group, we're still seriously outnumbered by those who think the color of one's skin is going to save us.

But the hard fact is, we're not going to sit here while the Internet as we know it is destroyed. The globalist trash has already effectively killed the Net in England, banning thousands of sites - including InfoWars and PrisonPlaent- that report the truth. Of course they're picking a fight with the biggest guns in the "alternative media." But they do have the piece of garbage corporations behind them.

And by the way, could this backlash be related to the dismal drop the MSM has been reporting? It seems more than ever they are discredited and are filth. The general public only slowly catches on, however, and that is our biggest obstacle. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the site (I've actually never visited it). But, how can you be sure that its not just some prankster with some decent hacking skills?

If that's the case, then maybe all they need is some better IT guys.

Also, where are you reading that the MSM viewership has declined? I'd love to believe this is true!