While the entire globe is mesmerized and diverted from reality by the dog and pony show of Obama/
Biden vs. McCain/
Palin, there are hundreds of congressional races taking place tomorrow as well; battles that are unquestionably more important than the puppet play at the forefront of the 24/7 cable "news" propaganda sessions.
At face, I believe that at least 95 percent of incumbent members of Congress should be voted out. They comprise a pack of cowardly criminals that on the Right have fell lock step with the
Neo-Cons, and on the Left, have completely betrayed their base after the 2006 Congressional election shakeup - failing to stand up to the
Neo-Cons and playing - to a tee - the flip side of an evil coin.
The complete support and promotion of two illegal wars. The support (albeit under the duress of Martial Law - yes, and don't roll your eyes) for the immoral Wall Street bailout. The perpetuation of illegal spying on the American people. And on and on and on.
http://www.infowars.net/articles/october2008/031008Sherman.htmhttp://www.opednews.com/articles/Representatives-Were-Threa-by-Patrick-Henningsen-081004-301.htmlStill, there are a few incumbents who not only should keep their job but who truly are champions of the constitution and the American people. There are also a few challengers who we should all hope steal the day.
Naturally, everyone - regardless of their party, location,
al - have their own slate of races they consider important. I'm not downplaying any congressional races here, only pointing out those which I feel most strongly about. Others should certainly do the same. The races I note -for the most part - are not competitive one way or the other. All the same, they mean something great to me personally.
1) Texas, 14th District - Dr. Ron Paul is running for his 11
th term as a United States Representative after a historic presidential run - raising nearly $5 million while being completely blacked out by the
MSM. There is no Democratic challenger (they weren't dumb enough to waste even $1 to trot one out against the
Ron Paul Revolution). There are three Independent candidates, and while I support Independent candidates' campaigns - in theory - in 99% of scenarios, don't even try to mess with the Good Doctor. He's proven himself not only a people's champion outside of Texas, outside of the so-called Right Wing, and outside of the mainstream Republican Party, but outside of the entire criminal government currently enslaving us.
2) Ohio, 10th District - Dennis
Kucinich appears safe to retain his seat against GOP challenger Jim
Trakas, despite a
myriad of money and lies leveled at the House's leading maverick.
Kucinich has had an outstanding 2008. Not only did he throw his hat into a fruitless presidential fight against
establishment shills Clinton and Obama, but he has tirelessly fought on the House floor for the impeachment of both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Like Ron Paul, he also voted twice against the "bailout."
3) New Jersey, 5th District - Incumbent
Neo-Con piece of filth Scott Garrett needs to go. There is no more plain and truthful way to put it. During the past year I moved from NJ-5 to NJ-9, but have not changed my registration info. Thus, I will return to NJ-5 to vote against Garrett. In short, if you need the skinny on him, visit
4) Minnesota, U.S. Senate - Talk about a carnival. Here you have incumbent
Neo-Con trash Norm Coleman pitted against semi-amusing comedian Al
Franken. A parade of fools if we've ever seen one. Well, enter Dean Barkley - an independent who has actually served two months in the U.S. Senate. He was appointed by then-Governor Jesse
Ventura to serve out the stint of Paul
Wellstone after the
bizarre and convenient plane crash of 2002. As of late last week, Barkley was polling between 17 and 20 percent, and had received around $40,000 in donations from listeners of the Alex Jones Show after a dual appearance by Barkley and
Ventura on the show. Barkley has a real shot tomorrow.
5) New Jersey, 9th District - Incumbent Dem Steve
Rothman is a pretty good guy. I covered him for two years (1999-2001) during my stint in North Jersey journalism, and he really did get a whole lot of positive stuff done for his
constituency. He voted against the bailout on the first go-around and for it on the second, but as I mentioned above, there was the threat of Martial Law. In fairness, I think you can only judge the House members on their first vote for that reason alone. He is my current Rep, but he's pretty much a lock to win. I'd rather go back "home" and vote against Garrett.