Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ron Paul Keeps His Foot on the Throat on The Federal Reserve

Once again our spineless and criminal House of "Representatives" has voted to float billions of dollars to a bunch of robber barons - at the expense of an American public that increasingly cannot afford to eat, pay rent, buy medicines, and have some level of base entertainment all in the same month.

By a vote of 237-170, the House voted last night to approve $14 billion to rescue the archaic U.S. auto industry in what promises to be the Wall Street bailout on a smaller scale - enough money to artificially inflate the markets, keep the public from devolving into chaos, and pay the corporate executives millions in year-end bonuses.

As always, Congressman Ron Paul was front and center during the House bailout debate to buck the puppet line and refresh everyone as to the true root of our current economic Armageddon.

“If you look at the grand problem we have it’s much much bigger,” said Paul. "We spend more money, we run up more debt, we print more money, and we think that’s going to solve the problem that was created by spending too much money, running up debt, printing too much money and here we are today.

“[The Federal Reserve] create[s] this money and when the Fed chairman comes before our committee we ask, 'where did you dispose of this $2 trillion dollars that you’ve created recently,' he says 'well it’s not your business;' he doesn’t even have to tell us.”

Dr. Paul also added that the creation of over $8 trillion dollars in government obligations by the Federal Reserve evaded the audit of Congress - which, incidentally, is completely unconstitutional.

Back in September, Congressman Paul stated that Bernanke and former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan - among others - should be brought up on criminal charges for their part in the destruction of the U.S. economy.

The issue and vote is now with the Senate - where you can be assured that the even more corrupt half of the Legislature will send the money through without a hitch.

The bottom line is this: until the public wakes up to how our monetary system really works, and until we have more Ron Pauls in Congress, more and more Fortune 1000 crooks are going to be cashing in on the dimes of the average struggling American.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Gul "a Terrorist" for Taliban Connection... or Truth About 9/11?

The United States reportedly has plans to label former Pakistani ISI Chief Hamid Gul as a terrorist. The official line of bull is that Gul is under suspicion of providing political and moral support to the Taliban-led resistance in Afghanistan. More likely, however, he solidified his place on the long list of supposed terrorists with his recent claims that both 9/11 and the Mumbai attacks were inside jobs.

Gul told members of the international press, “The U.S. spends $40 billion a year on its 11 intelligence agencies. That’s $400 billion in 10 years. Yet the Bush Administration says it was taken by surprise. I don’t believe it. Within 10 minutes of the second twin tower being hit in the World Trade Center CNN said Osama bin Laden had done it. That was a planned piece of disinformation by the real perpetrators. It created an instant mindset and put public opinion into a trance, which prevented even intelligent people from thinking for themselves.”

Regarding Pakistan, he said, "The destabilization of Pakistan is part of the U.S. plan because it is a Muslim nuclear state. The U.S. wants to isolate Pakistan from China as part of its containment policy."

Interesting how the comments and the terror label dovetail so smoothly.

What's even more curious, perhaps, is that another former ISI head, Mahmood Ahmed, escapes the terrorist list despite having clearly been linked to alleged hijacker Mohamed Atta and the 9/11 attacks.

Ahmed was in Washington on the morning of 9/11 meeting with top intelligence and political officials, and in the days following the attacks met with VP-elect and Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair Joe Biden.

The difference between Ahmed and Gul is simple. One helps to perpetuate the corrupt, evil agenda of the rogue government, while the other sees right through its arrogant and ever-unraveling campaign of terror.

Israel Looks to Ride the Coattails of More Staged Terror

Aside from the Neo-Cons and the police state they were afforded after the false-flag attacks of 9/11, there's no question Israel was the number one beneficiary of the carnage in New York and Washington. The attacks were a big old green light to wage illegal and endless war on the Muslim world - i.e. - enemies of the Israeli state - through its proxy strong arm, the United States.

The Mumbai attacks late last month that killed some 180 people are shaping up to be just the latest excuse for Israel to stir up anti-Islamic sentiment across the globe and manipulate the U.S. and any other willing party into aggressively advancing on its so called enemies.

According to the DEBKAfile military intelligence website, Israel is volunteering to help India in a military campaign against selected targets in Pakistan as retaliation for last months attacks. Of course, Pakistan has never threatened Israel, is not in the Middle East, and there is no evidence that the Pakistani government had any involvement in the attacks. Rather, there are Western and Israeli paw prints all over the smoking gun.

Why bother with evidence though, right? With the Middle-East obsessed Neo-Cons' time just about up and Israel's lobby for the U.S. to annihilate Iran falling flat, the Israelis - as well as the rogue elements of the U.S. and British governments - need new blood. Honing in on Pakistan works for everyone. For Israel, it gives them a Muslim target of hatred and bullying. Enough said. For the Western contingent, it moves the chess pieces that much closer to what is sure to be the apple of the Obama administration's eye - Russia.

Unlike the amateur chaos in the Middle East, however, stirring trouble in Central Asia is creating an enormous powder keg with the potential for worldwide destruction. India and Pakistan are already arch enemies with a long history of military conflict. In contrast to, say, Iraq and Iran, they are extremely well armed with the highest nuclear capabilities. These are not rag-tag third world nations that the U.S. and Israel can paste fake bearded bogeymen on - causing widespread panic and terror - knowing no real threat to global well-being exists.

With Israeli spy and rabid Zionist Rahm Emmanual as the incoming White House Chief of Staff, along with endless predictions of disaster shortly after Obama's inauguration, the recent troubles in Central Asia are that much more frightening.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"Change" We've Been - and Will Be - Haunted By

In either the days before or right after Barack Obama's election victory, I recall of one his public relation hacks running around the cable "news" shows proclaiming that his administration would not be comprised of "retreads." I'm still trying to find the exact quote(s), but in the meantime, the sickening and endless proclamations of "change" are plenty proof positive that this is all a colossal hoax.

There is no question that any incoming president needs a strong, experienced supporting cast. I have no issue at all with the selection of Joe Biden as Vice President. I did think that Hillary Clinton - especially considering the covert meeting with her and Barack at the 2008 Bilderberg gathering - was undoubtedly the selection here, but Biden is certainly a viable choice. And for that matter, Hillary is strong pick for Secretary of State.

And as more of the upcoming administration plays itself out, it becomes clearer exactly why Hillary so easily gave up VP for State Department. I've written before I thought there was no way. Evidently there was some wheeling and dealing however in the form of a strong trade off, as this is rapidly becoming the third Clinton administration.

As for some of Obama's other new minions of "change," there's no better place to start than with the hated Neo-Cons.

Robert Gates has been tabbed to stay on as Defense Secretary. But how can you argue with this? Keep the appointee of a a Neo-Con administration that is perhaps the least popular in U.S. history and has orchestrated two completely disastrous wars. Yes, he's probably not as bad as Rumsfeld, and that's exactly the key point. He helps retain a certain modicum of anti-Muslim, Middle East crusade rhetoric under a guise of lesser of evils.

The 'You Absolutely Must Be Joking' award of Obama's appointments can gp to none other than the appointment of Tim Geitner - New York Federal Reserve head - as Treasury Secretary. It's not enough that almost all of our current economic problems stem from the fact that we have a [Non] Federal [with absolutely no] Reserve[s]. Let's go and appoint the governor of its biggest branch to be our next Henry Paulson. Geitner is also a disciple of former Clintonians Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers.

Following closely behind Geitner is good old Larry Summers himself - elitist Harvard bigwig and former Treasury Secretary under Clinton.

Former Federal Reserve chair Paul Volcker - who during the Carter regime helped to completely dismantle the economy - is right there, too, as chief economic advisor.

Tom Daschele gets the nod as Secretary of Health and Human Services. The former South Dakota senator is admittedly a mixed bag. On the one hand, he was one of the targets of the infamous government-run anthrax attacks of late 2001, no doubt signaling he was out of favor with the elite. However, there are sickening aspects to his resume. Not the least of which are his 2006 endorsement of warrantless spying, and the fact that his wife, Linda Hall, is a top Washington lobbyist - and was acting administrator of the FAA during the Clinton years.

Finally, and perhaps most notorious, is Chief of Staff nominee Rahm Emanuel - who happens to be Obama's first appointment of any kind. A former Clinton White House advisor, he is nothing but an Israeli loyalist, anti-Islamic thug of the worst variety. It sickens me to even think or write about him or his father, Benjamin. Just google them.

The web is weaved even far more intricately, but I frankly don't have the stomach to go on. Research it for yourself.

This isn't change, it's a reunion. All cleverly masked by horrifyingly messianic-like support from the world, and absolutely no consideration for facts.

Utter the word change - as long as you don't look like the previous 43 presidents - and there can be no doubt that you in fact stand for change.

Friday, November 28, 2008

New Locale, Same Synthetic Bogeyman

When I first heard about the deadly attacks in Mumbai early on Thanksgiving morning, I half-thought it might be a genuine, organic incident of terrorism. Then, because the lying pieces of garbage just couldn't help themselves, the media zombies began to invoke al-CIA-da. That was enough to seal the staged terror deal as far as I'm concerned. More staged terror by the U.S./England/Israel with forced MSM talking points about evil demons in beards and turbans.

The BBC has been running around saying the attackers were targeting British and U.S. citizens, and an anchor reported, “If the reports are true, our security correspondent Frank Gardner says it implies an Islamist motive - attacks inspired or co-ordinated by al-Qaeda.”

Just 30 minutes ago I turned on CNN to watch the trumping up of those killed at a Jewish center in Mumbai, and the continuing and heightened threat to Westerners. This despite out of hundreds of injuries and fatalities, you could probably count the Jews, the Americans, and the British on your hands and toes. No focus or caring toward anyone else. Forget that this happened in the financial capital of the second most populated nation in the world. They're just a bunch of Central Asians with no allegiance to Israel, so who cares, right?

This is nothing more than blatant fear mongering and further portrayal of all Muslims as barbarians. And what would a good terror event be without involving New York City? Authorities had the dumbed-down public ready for mayhem earlier this week when they announced a potential al-Qaeda attack against the NYC subway system.

I happen to work in a large office building in the heart of midtown Manhattan, and this past Tuesday I did indeed witness a rash of coworkers declaring they would not allow their teenage children to travel from Long Island, New Jersey, and other surrounding areas into the City for the Thanksgiving festivities because of these threats.

Once again, chalk one up for the intended paralysis drummed up by the government's fake terror campaign.

As I have mentioned before on this blog, the Obama administration is sure to bring a shift in focus from the Middle East to Central Asia - in order to militarize closer to Russia. This is a perfect start, and look for Pakistan - with U.S. ally Pervez Musharraf long gone - to be on the hook for a large part of this.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Patriots, Truthers, and Real Americans Swarm the Federal Reserve

The "End the Fed" campaign may not soon alter the banking corruption we're currently enslaved by, but it certainly made itself loud and clear last Saturday with massive protests outside all 38 locations of the criminal, non-federal monetary cartel.

The protests happened to mark the 98th anniversary of the famed Jeckyll Island meeting that launched the Federal Reserve concept, and the 45th anniversary of the tragic assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Alex Jones was down near the infamous Grassy Knoll in Dallas to bullhorn the Federal Reserve branch there. Various video coverage can be found on YouTube. Here is one link, which in turn will connect to the rest:

Congressman Ron Paul, the anti-Big Bank champion on Capitol Hill was in Houston on Saturday and gave yet another speech for the ages.

Dr. Paul has proposed a bill demanding the end of the Federal Reserve and its Board of Governors (HR-2755). It was introduced nearly a year-and-a-half ago, and calls for abolishing the boards of governors of the Federal Reserve System and each individual Federal Reserve bank, and well as the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act.

Here's a great Q&A with Dr. Paul regarding the Federal Reserve:

For more detailed info, visit the aforementioned links, or simply type "federal reserve protests" into google. There are hundreds of links to blogs, newsgroups, and the main pages of major media publications from Jacksonville to San Antonio to Salt Lake City.

The mainstream minions covered next to nothing of the massive protest(s), but more and more that signals success rather than failure. The bigger the crowd, the louder the voice, the more dire the threat to the New World Order - the more pronounced the media blackout.

As still is the case within the 9/11 Truth movement, not all factions of the End the Fed campaign necessarily agree on a central thesis or a solution. The fulcrum and importance, however, is that what we have is wrong and criminal, and in the immediate short term, we need massive change.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ted Stevens Out, al-CIA-da Back In

Honestly I've been a bit burnt out recently having to spend months scrambling to uncover substantive news in between listening to Sarah Palin act mentally retarded and hearing the media every five minutes proclaim that Barack Obama can walk on water. So I figured I'd just quickly comment on a couple of things.

Alaska six-term Senator and Neo-Con piece of filth Ted Stevens fortunately lost his Senate seat after having the dubious honor of being the longest serving GOP senator. What's even better is that he was beaten by Anchorage mayor Mark Begich.

Begich happens to be the brother of Dr. Nick Begich. Jr. Begich, Jr. is an expert on the New World Order -particularly government mind control - and is a frequent guest on the Alex Jones show.

Incidentally, their dad, Nick Begich Sr., was a Democratic Senator from Alaska who mysteriously disappeared in a 1972 plane crash.

Stevens also hates wolves (something that gets me irate), and is a convicted felon.

Now on to America's favorite pack of bogeymen, al-CIA-da.

It appears that the U.S./British/Israeli trolls have now declared war on Barack Obama. I have to hand it to the criminals in charge. Every time I think they've exhausted their last pathetic attempt to perpetuate this fairy tale, they come up with something else. Let's face it, this is brilliant. Of course the mindless Neo-Cons and the Right in general spend an hour each night checking the backyard for guys in beards and turbans. But put Obama in the fantastical cross hairs of these so-called Arab barbarians, and you'll whip up a frenzy with plenty of the Left as well.

I've written more than once that I thought al-Qaeda would miraculously die with Obama's inauguration. Perhaps the powers that be have some plans to keep them around a little longer. Heck, this non-existent spectre has certainly worked wonders in promoting wars, genocide, the destruction of our Constitution, and on and on.

How long before this video is proven to be a CGI hoax just like the rest of them?

New Rule: Questioning 9/11 and the War Equates to Insider Trading

In the latest laughable attempt to tear down anyone in or around the Truth Movement, the SEC has targeted Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban with an insider trading civil suit, and the players involved just can't stop talking about Cuban's involvement (or lack of for that matter) with Loose Change: Final Cut.

According to the NYT story, [A person close to Mr. Cuban provided what he said was one of a series of e-mail messages from Jeffrey B. Norris, an S.E.C. lawyer in Fort Worth, who accused the billionaire of being unpatriotic for helping to finance a movie named "Loose Change." In the e-mail message, Mr. Norris described the movie as a “vicious and absurd documentary” that “posits that President Bush planned the demolition of the World Trade Center as a pretext for going to war against Iraq.”]

It continued, [In the e-mail message, sent from his S.E.C. e-mail address, Mr. Norris said he was informing Christopher Cox, the chairman of the S.E.C., of Mr. Cuban’s actions.
“If this upsets you, I wonder how George Bush feels,” Mr. Norris wrote. “I assume that Mr. Cox would view your involvement with ‘Loose Change’ much as I do. After all, he served his country as a Republican congressman from Orange County for nearly 20 years and was appointed by President Bush.”]

As is the case 99.9% of the time when it comes to slamming 9/11 Truth, this is complete bull. Cuban never financed a red cent of LCFC, the film in no way contends that Bush planned the WTC demolitions, and what does any of this have to do with a SEC suit?

Sadly this is of little to no surprise after all these years. Whether it's Charlie Sheen, Rosie O'Donnell or Willie Nelson, the media retards and all other servants of the global elite elate at ruining celebrities that dare question their masters or speak the truth.

This is just the latest and greatest. It shows yet again that the movement is gaining a foothold, it's having a great effect waking people up, and it's scaring the heck out of the powers that be and their minions.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hillary Not Done Yet?

Over the past couple of days there have been MSM reports that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has met with President-elect Obama, and will meet with also-ran John McCain in the coming days. These reports also contend that the junior senator from New York is in line to become Secretary of State.

I am extremely hesitant to get behind this information, as I was completely taken aback in August when Joe Biden was named Vice Presidential candidate ahead of Hillary. I still can't figure out what went on behind the scenes to remove Hillary from the White House picture. Especially considering her Bilderberg meeting with Barack on the opening night of the global elite rendezvous.

Then again, retreads from the Clinton administration seem to be the order of the day for Obama - despite the fact he initially said there would be no one trotted back out from the Washington graveyard. Just take a look at Rahm Emanuel - a former Clinton White House lemming that couldn't be tied tighter to the Israeli government and disgusting Zionist agendas.

My gut was obviously quite wrong on the VP tip. However, I refuse to believe now that Hillary is going to find herself a spot in the Obama administration.

Fed: "We're Going to Rob You, and There's Nothing You Can Do About It"

Neel Kashkari, Interim Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability, and former big shot at Goldman Sachs, went before the House Banking Committee yesterday, and was ripped a new one.

Sitting for hours with a bald head and disgustingly smug smile, Kashkari basically made a joke of our Constitution and our governmental setup. He did, however, get exposed as an elitist puppet joke by reps Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), Darrell Issa (R-CA), and Elijah Cummings (D-MD).

"It's not a stimulus, it's not an economic growth plan,"Kashkari told lawmakers. "It's an economic stabilization plan."

As if, Neel. Congressman Kucinich responded, “I think it’s fairly obvious that Congress would have never passed the [rescue plan] had it known how Treasury would marshal the resources it was given.”

Kucinich had a great battle with the global banking elite puppet as well.

“I assure you the secretary is passionate about this,” Kashkari said.

“Passionate about what?” Kucinich said.

“About helping homeowners,” Kashkari replied.

“Where?” Kucinich asked, sarcastically. “What country?”

“We are using all the tools available to ease the credit crises,” Kashkari said. “Let me give you an example…”

Kucinich interrupted Kashkari and continued his harangue.

“Maybe this is a game to some people in the administration. They’re on their way out of office and they can do whatever they want,” said Kucinich who tried to launch impeachment proceedings against Bush. “Meanwhile, people are hoping against hope” for help with their mortgages.

Rep. Cummings blasted Kashkari for the agenda of helping banks while abandoning consumers.

“This administration wants to privatize Wall Street’s gains and socialize Wall Street’s losses,” he said.

Congressman Kuncinich, a leading fighter of tyranny, had this to say, "Secretary Paulson’s policy reversal breaks with Congressional intent, contradicts public assurances previously made by Treasury, and leaves the federal government without an adequate mechanism to stem a tide of home foreclosures."

As Alex Jones said on his Friday show, Kashkari - along with Secretary Paulson and others - needs to be arrested immediately.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Feds Release New 9/11 Footage, But Nothing of Note

As a result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, the FBI and Justice Department have released 10 new videos containing footage of the 9/11 attacks. According to Steve Watson at, some of the videos were seized by the FBI in the hours after the attacks, and others were handed over to 9/11 investigators.

While much of the footage is quite fascinating and well shot, none of it contains much in the way of revelation. There is a telling shot of molten steel dripping from the towers, but that has certainly been shown, written about, debated over, and all but proven to truly be molten steel ad infinitum.

There is one poor quality and incomplete shot of the South Tower's collapse, but nothing we haven't seen before, and certainly nowhere near as incriminating as the hundreds of clips that clearly show a beautifully controlled demolition to both WTC 1 and 2.

And of course, there is not one single second of Pentagon footage. Wonder why that is, huh?

The videos were obtained by FOIA attorney Scott Hodes. Out of 64 videos requested, Hodes was granted 10. How generous of the Feds.

All 10 videos can be seen at

Keep in mind that our criminal government maintains that aside from the five tell-nothing, show-nothing frames of a fireball at the Pentagon released several years ago, there is no existing Pentagon footage.

But of course. The most heavily guarded building in the history of the world assuredly isn't equipped with any - let alone 100 - surveillance cameras.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Suddenly Bush's Approval Rating Is Such Headline News

Now that the savior has landed on planet Earth, we need not worry about a thing. Food will magically appear on your family's dinner table, your mortgage will pay itself, race relations will improve overnight, and suddenly CIA-controlled bearded cave dwellers in turbans will go the way of the raptor.

So much has suddenly and mystically changed in the United States - and the world for that matter - since last week that it's now safe for the corporate media to forsake their darling Neo-Con idols.

Only now that we have Lord Obama can the elite comfortably trumpet everywhere that George W. Bush's approval rating is abysmal - in fact, the lowest ever.

In the latest polls, it appears that a mere 24 percent of the public approve of the Chimp in Chief. This compared to lows of Clinton, Father Bush, Nixon and Carter. But this isn't news. You can go back as far as nearly three years ago and find Bush was already at all-time lows of around 30-35 percent approval. Today, though, it's in sync everywhere from CNN and Bloomberg, to news outlets in Australia and Scotland.

Funny how up until the past week, you'd have been hard pressed to name the last time Dubya was invoked in the media for any reason. Now it's sheik though. The Neo-Cons are gassed. Cheney is suddenly stricken with heart problems again, and Bush looks horrible when he actually is captured on camera. Add to that the Left has its liberal facade of "change."

Where was the MSM during the past years, however, when the same Neo-Cons were running around annihilating the Constitution, illegally invading sovereign nations, and torturing and/or killing innocent women and children of third-world countries?
Today was an open invitation though for an approval rating juxtaposition.

The Obama clan made its way to the White House for the latest dog and pony show. Barack, his two children, and his wretched Council on Foreign Relations wife paid George and Laura a visit. The festivities were full of fake admiration, phony compliments, and sickening photo ops. Not that this was any different than during the Clinton-Bush transition.

Oh, how the wind blows.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ron Paul Isn't Buying Into the Illusion

Leave it to Dr. Paul to provide us with some sanity when things have quickly devolved so far out of control that Fox News is worshiping at the Obama altar.

Speaking with Alex Jones yesterday, the Congressman explained just how disturbed the idea of an Obama administration makes him. When Alex asked him if he feels any sense of dread, Dr. Paul said, “I do feel it but I don’t think it’s brand new. I didn’t wake up with it, I’ve had it for a while. I don’t think the election was a surprise, but the rhetoric is getting pretty strong and they are getting very bold.”

Congressman Paul also basically agreed that the whole election was a dog and pony show, completely pre-determined with John McCain out there to take a fall in favor of the Wall Street prince, Barack Obama.

"I think McCain was obviously backup candidate in case something happened where Obama didn't win," Dr. Paul said. "They've been positioning Obama for a long long time. He's probably spent more money than everyone else combined over the past two years."

The Congressman also eluded to the media's sickening adoration of and bias toward Obama.

"Anybody who would have gotten that much favorable coverage for so long, you know that the plans have been laid for him to be the individual that is going to be taking care of the corporate elite," he said.

If only we could have had Congressman Paul debating Obama over the past few months.

Although, the intellectually devoid Obamakins would probably not have been able to comprehend a single sentence of sound logic, true patriotism, and real solutions.

Even Fox News Is Weak in the Knees with Obama Worship

Not only has Lord Barack Obama managed to fleece the American people and most of the rest of the world, but even Fox News has now forgone its Neo-Con worshiping. I guess Murdoch's corporate shills are hedging their bets in case Obama really is the "messiah." (Vomit.)

Fox talking piece of garbage Shepard Smith last night all but labeled independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader a racist for a comment in which Nader asked whether Obama will be an Uncle Sam or Uncle Tom. Meaning nothing more or less than, "will Obama be for the people and change - as he purports - or will he do nothing more than pander to the global banking elite?"

Fox News has spent the past eight years doing nothing but smearing anyone who opposed the Neo-Con war machine, questioned our government, and disapproved of torture, illegal spying, and countless other violations of our Constitution. Already that has changed, however. Enter his Lordship, and now you had better make sure you add questioning Obama to the aforementioned checklist.

In the one 10-second window where Nader was allowed to defend himself, he explained, “It’s very simple - [Obama] has gone along with corporate power from the moment he entered politics in the state senate, voted for the Wall Street bailout, and supports an expanded military budget that is desired by the military-industrial complex.”

Smith then simply peppered Nader with completely inappropriate insults, calling him "irrelevant." More Fox shills were on later rejoicing that, as they said, Nader's career is over.

Get used to this. With not just the U.S. but the entire world wild-eyed with frightening admiration for Obama, it will only get worse. As Alex Jones said yesterday on his radio show, "I have no doubt that Barack Obama will be the first president to have me arrested."

Naturally the liberal media came swarming in on Nader as well. The ultra-left San Francisco Chronicle figured it would just flat out lie with the headline Ralph Nader calls Obama "Uncle Tom" and Fox News Calls Him Out.

Aside from those who voted for John McCain, there are probably only two other factions on earth unhappy with the election. The regimes in Russia and Israel. Russia because they know Russophobe Zbig B is lurking behind the curtains of Obama's warroom, and the Israelis because the Neo-Cons will soon be history, and with them, the fairy tale of al-Qaeda and the rabid anti-Islamic movement.

Everyone else - including the once far right morons at Fox - are ready to fall in blindly and foolishly behind the latest globalist puppet.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Alright, Lord Obama, Let's See Some "Real Change"

We've heard it for months. Two extremely bland words strung together to convey and connote absolutely nothing. Real. Change.

Of course the mesmerized public bought the siren song wholesale, and here we are - saddled with a president who's accomplished nothing politically, who completely phoned in his public service in the Senate for the past year - barely casting a single vote - and when he did, it was to support the criminal Wall Street bailout, and fall in lock step with the Neo-Cons.

So while Barack Obama emptily promises change, what it is that he really should do beginning in January to truly affect change?

Paul Joseph Watson at Prison Planet laid it out perfectly in a great article this morning. He called Obama out with laser like efficiency.

"Let’s be generous and give Obama the whole four years of his initial term to make significant progress on the following issues," Watson writes. "Here are some questions about 'change' that we are going to be keeping track of until 2012. "

- Will Obama repeal Patriot Acts I and II as well as reversing Bush’s signing statement and acknowledging the repeal of the John Warner Defense Authorization Act?

- Will Obama support Dennis Kucinich’s efforts to bring war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney and others for deceiving the country into a war or will he protect them against such charges like Nancy Pelosi has done?

- Will Obama bring war crimes charges against Bush, Cheney and others for authorizing torture and will the torture of suspects under U.S. detention, a complete violation of both the Constitution and the Geneva Conventions, cease under an Obama administration?

- Will Obama withdraw American troops from Iraq and Afghanistan without sending them away again to bomb another broken-backed third world country in the name of a UN-supported “humanitarian” war?

- Will Obama end the warrantless secret surveillance and phone-taps of American citizens?

- Will Obama follow through on his rhetorical support for the second amendment or will he seek to ban guns as he did in Illinois?

- Will Obama cease his support for the Bush-administration backed banker bailouts, hated by the majority of Americans, and target the real cause of the problem - the Federal Reserve - or will he continue to give taxpayers’ money to banks who are merely hoarding it all for themselves?

- Will Obama seek to continue the militarization of America and preparations for martial law through Northcom and the secret government or will he dismantle the police state that has been constructed over the last eight years by the Bush administration?

Great job as always by Watson. Let us just hope that we'll continue to be able to read articles at Prison Planet and write blogs like this one come next year - without being labeled a terrorist, anti-American, or sadly, even a racist.

With the way the public reacted last night, you'd have thought Christ, Muhammed, Yahweh, Beelzebub, Marvin the Martian, or whoever folks worship, had landed in Chicago's Grant Park. It was scary.

Now let me be clear. I completely understand the joy black voters must have felt. They've waited a long time for this, and they deserve to rejoice in the moment. However, it was the reaction of the white voters that was so disturbing. You'd have thought they just had their own 200-year-old slate cleaned. And based on what? Absolutely nothing but blind, mindless worship. These are folks who while hating Bush and his policies will now love the same agenda over the next four years.

Oh, and Revered Jackson, you piece of garbage, get one thing straight. Anyone in the know is well aware you couldn't care less about black people. You care about money and your fake image. Take your crocodile tears and drown them - along with yourself - in Lake Michigan.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Initial Reactions to the Dog and Pony Finale

In no great surprise, Barack Obama has been elected the 44th President of the United States within the past hour. My past posts should speak for my feelings about this, so I'll lay off of our "lord" and "savior" for now and let him have his night.

As for the rest of them - Joe Biden, as Vice President elect, takes a huge step from the strobe lights of the Democratic senate into the limelight. Hopefully this will help illuminate the fact that he's deeply involved in the 9/11 attacks, having met on 9/13/2001 with Mahmood Ahmed, head of the Pakistani ISI. Ahmed, of course, is alleged to have wired $100,000 to Mohamed Atta in the week leading up to the attacks.

John McCain will go back to being a Senator, and more notably, a very sick cancer patient. In a way it was sad to see him trotted out there by the establishment to take an embarrassing fall. No doubt he's a Neo-Con piece of garbage, but between the cancer, the Vietnam War, and his advanced age, it's questionable he even knows what's going on half of the time anymore.

If poetic justice does indeed exist, Sarah Palin will get jumped by a pack of hungry bears and dogs on her way back to her igloo. She is an absolute hypocritical, possibly retarded piece of filth who had no business being on the television over the past few months. Even though the whole election process is a joke in and of itself, she did nothing but further ruin our nation's image and reaffirm to the rest of the world that we're a bumbling mess. Talks of her being a GOP force in 2012 are laughable.

We still have two and a half months of the Neo-Cons left, but they're clearly out of gas. Cheney suddenly has heart problems again and you can rest assured you won't see him anymore. Bush for his part looks absolutely haggard during his sporadic appearances.

Now we wait to witness the fruition of all the recent predictions of imminent disaster upon Obama's election.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Some Congressional Races of Note

While the entire globe is mesmerized and diverted from reality by the dog and pony show of Obama/Biden vs. McCain/Palin, there are hundreds of congressional races taking place tomorrow as well; battles that are unquestionably more important than the puppet play at the forefront of the 24/7 cable "news" propaganda sessions.

At face, I believe that at least 95 percent of incumbent members of Congress should be voted out. They comprise a pack of cowardly criminals that on the Right have fell lock step with the Neo-Cons, and on the Left, have completely betrayed their base after the 2006 Congressional election shakeup - failing to stand up to the Neo-Cons and playing - to a tee - the flip side of an evil coin.

The complete support and promotion of two illegal wars. The support (albeit under the duress of Martial Law - yes, and don't roll your eyes) for the immoral Wall Street bailout. The perpetuation of illegal spying on the American people. And on and on and on.

Still, there are a few incumbents who not only should keep their job but who truly are champions of the constitution and the American people. There are also a few challengers who we should all hope steal the day.

Naturally, everyone - regardless of their party, location, platform, et. al - have their own slate of races they consider important. I'm not downplaying any congressional races here, only pointing out those which I feel most strongly about. Others should certainly do the same. The races I note -for the most part - are not competitive one way or the other. All the same, they mean something great to me personally.

1) Texas, 14th District - Dr. Ron Paul is running for his 11th term as a United States Representative after a historic presidential run - raising nearly $5 million while being completely blacked out by the MSM. There is no Democratic challenger (they weren't dumb enough to waste even $1 to trot one out against the Ron Paul Revolution). There are three Independent candidates, and while I support Independent candidates' campaigns - in theory - in 99% of scenarios, don't even try to mess with the Good Doctor. He's proven himself not only a people's champion outside of Texas, outside of the so-called Right Wing, and outside of the mainstream Republican Party, but outside of the entire criminal government currently enslaving us.

2) Ohio, 10th District - Dennis Kucinich appears safe to retain his seat against GOP challenger Jim Trakas, despite a myriad of money and lies leveled at the House's leading maverick. Kucinich has had an outstanding 2008. Not only did he throw his hat into a fruitless presidential fight against establishment shills Clinton and Obama, but he has tirelessly fought on the House floor for the impeachment of both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Like Ron Paul, he also voted twice against the "bailout."

3) New Jersey, 5th District - Incumbent Neo-Con piece of filth Scott Garrett needs to go. There is no more plain and truthful way to put it. During the past year I moved from NJ-5 to NJ-9, but have not changed my registration info. Thus, I will return to NJ-5 to vote against Garrett. In short, if you need the skinny on him, visit

4) Minnesota, U.S. Senate - Talk about a carnival. Here you have incumbent Neo-Con trash Norm Coleman pitted against semi-amusing comedian Al Franken. A parade of fools if we've ever seen one. Well, enter Dean Barkley - an independent who has actually served two months in the U.S. Senate. He was appointed by then-Governor Jesse Ventura to serve out the stint of Paul Wellstone after the bizarre and convenient plane crash of 2002. As of late last week, Barkley was polling between 17 and 20 percent, and had received around $40,000 in donations from listeners of the Alex Jones Show after a dual appearance by Barkley and Ventura on the show. Barkley has a real shot tomorrow.

5) New Jersey, 9th District - Incumbent Dem Steve Rothman is a pretty good guy. I covered him for two years (1999-2001) during my stint in North Jersey journalism, and he really did get a whole lot of positive stuff done for his constituency. He voted against the bailout on the first go-around and for it on the second, but as I mentioned above, there was the threat of Martial Law. In fairness, I think you can only judge the House members on their first vote for that reason alone. He is my current Rep, but he's pretty much a lock to win. I'd rather go back "home" and vote against Garrett.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Must-Do's for Tuesday's Election

As voters prepare to flood polling stations for Tuesday's general election, here is a checklist of what any patriotic, liberty and constitution-loving American needs to keep in mind.

1) Vote for Anyone other than McCain or Obama - unlike in previous elections there are a number of viable third-party choices out there. You have Chuck Baldwin (Constitution Party), Ralph Nader (Independent), Cynthia McKinney (Green Party), and to a much lesser extent, Bob Barr (Libertarian Party - though not really). This is probably the worst major-party duo we've had to choose from in recent memory. All major polls show that the public is fed up with both the GOP and the Dems. Well, it's time to show them. Vote third party. Even if you're like me and the candidate you've supported for the past two years (Ron Paul) isn't on the ballot, make the so-called third party choice. And by the way, Dr. Paul IS on the ballot in Montana and Louisiana.

2) Aside from Ron Paul and Dennis Kuncinich (and possibly a handful of others), vote out EVERY incumbent - Republican, Democrat, it doesn't matter. Anyone who's held a congressional seat in recent years - aside from a very few exceptions - is a complete criminal who has helped destroy the United States. From rubber stamping the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, to voting for the immoral and illegal bailout of the Wall Street crooks, these puppets of the New World Order ALL need to go.

3) Vote for any progressive ballot initiatives that buck the mainstream trend - i.e. - Proposition 5 in California, known as the Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act (or NORA) Proposition 5 Requires California to expand and increase funding and oversight for individualized treatment and rehabilitation programs for nonviolent drug offenders and parolees; reduces criminal consequences of nonviolent drug offenses by mandating three-tiered probation with treatment and by providing for case dismissal and/or sealing of records after probation; limits court’s authority to incarcerate offenders who violate probation or parole; shortens parole for most drug offenses, including sales, and for nonviolent property crimes; creates numerous divisions, boards, commissions, and reporting requirements regarding drug treatment and rehabilitation; changes certain marijuana misdemeanors to infractions.

4) Tell the truth in exit polls - Exit polls are a great way to expose voter/election fraud. They helped immensely in 2000 and 2004 to show that who folks say they voted for did not reconcile with "official" results.

At the end of the day, we're going to have either Obama or McCain - probably Obama - and that is going to be a nightmare. However, the success of the Ron Paul revolution over the past year-and-a-half has shown how close we are to breaking the "two-party" system. Producing a record amount of votes for third-party candidates on Tuesday will continue to derail the establishment's agenda.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Could "Bailout" Be Code for "World War III"?

According to Paul Watson at Prison Planet, Chinese mainstream news outlets today reported that the RAND Corporation recently presented a proposal to the Pentagon in which it lobbied for war with a major foreign power in an attempt to stimulate the American economy. This on the heels of recent proclamations from Joe Biden, Colin Powell, Michael Chertoff, and others that Barack Obama will face a major crisis immediately after taking office, as well as the U.S.-Israeli sneak attack on Russia through Georgia back in August.

Allegedly these foreign media sources - there was a French language report as well - are claiming that RAND suggested the $700 billion dollars that has been earmarked to bailout the Wall Street crooks be used instead to finance a new war - thereby reinvigorating the U.S. markets and economy.

Among the nations considered possible U.S. targets: China, Russia, Iran and even Japan. This is very disturbing when taken in combination with the recent fear mongering about a post-inauguration crisis. Don't forget, Russia-obsessed maniac Zbigniew Brzezinski is always lurking in the shadows of the Obama camp, and the shift from the Neo-Con Middle East focus to a Central Asia/Eurasia/Asia Proper campaign is already quite evident.

Paul Watson also pointed out that the RAND corporation has deep ties to the U.S. military-industrial complex as well as connections with the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations. Current directors of RAND include Frank Charles Carlucci III, former Defense Secretary and Deputy Director of the CIA, Ronald L. Olson, Council on Foreign Relations member and former Secretary of Labor, and Carl Bildt, top Bilderberg member and former Swedish Prime Minister.

That's some pretty upstanding company, huh?

Notable as well is that as of late this afternoon, there was no English-speaking media story or broadcast about these developments. No surprise there.

Who knows at this point what's going on here, but it's certainly pretty damn scary. Rest assured Prison Planet will be keeping a close eye on any developments.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Leading Japanese Politician Questions 9/11 for the Third Time; Envokes Paul, Kucinich

Last Wedensday, Japanese Diet member Yukihisa Fujita once again questioned the official 9/11 fairy tale on the floor of the Japanese equivolent of Congress.

Alex Jones interviewed Fujita back in March of this year, at which time one of the leading members of the Japanese opposition party suggested that the United Nations lead a new investigation into the alleged terrorist attacks.

"This is something Parliamentarians of various countries could ask - I was in Europe meeting with European MP's and they are also thinking about asking the UN to investigate, so these kind of efforts need to be done internationally," said Fujita, adding that he had visited eleven different European countries in an attempt to garner support for the move.

Last week's speech to the Japanese parliament included a call to to stop all Japanese support for U.S.-led military operations, citing heavy civilian and military losses in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Wow. How refreshing. Imagine one of the leaders of either criminal party in this country suggesting such a thing.

Fujita reportedly went on to describe the Kucinich impeachment debate in Congress and its support by members of the House. He went on to list to the Japanese parliament Congressman Kucinich's 35 articles of impeachment against President Bush, and also mentioned Dr. Ron Paul in regards to the impeachment of our puppet president.

Reports say that although there was no public broadcast of Fujita's speech, that this is - in fact - the third time he's called out the 9/11 fable on the Japanese parliament floor.

Fujita is a member of the Democratic Party of Japan. He also pointed out that there has never been an official police investigation into the deaths of the 24 Japanese citizens who were killed on 9/11.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Demand a Steel Cage Match: Palin and McCain vs. a Wolf and a Polar Bear

Yes, it's true. Sarah Palin managed to mumble something resembling support for a new investigation into the 9/11 attacks. Before you go into shock or jump onto the Neo-Con bandwagon, however, keep in mind the jesters who have come before her. John Edwards, Joe Biden, and countless others. Not to mention John McCain - who posed for photos with Truthers holding 9/11 Truth banners.

And by the way, I'm not going to bother looking up links and posting them for you Neo-Con morons. If you don't believe me, Google the names, Google We Are Change, and watch the confrontations for yourselves. I'm frankly tired of wasting energy pasting links for no reason.

Apparently Palin yesterday had this to say when confronted about a new 9/11 investigation:

"I think that helps us get to the point of never again, and if anything that we could do could still complete that reminder out there.”

Exactly what does that mean in English? Not Alaskan, but American English?

So, let's not anoint her the next Charlie Sheen quite yet.

Aside from the rest of the mentally retarded syntax she's displayed over the past couple of months, I still can't get past the abject animal cruelty she takes part in in her home state of Alaska.

And I'm not talking here about whether or note polar bears are drowning because of melting ice caps. I simply mean plain old inhumane treatment of precious wild animals. Regardless of which side of the global warming issue you reside on - and quite frankly I haven't emigrated to either yet - you cannot possibly condone the aerial killing of beautiful and innocent animals that either at some point have been or are currently in dangerous decline.

I realize that all of these links are coming from a leftist angle. And I don't care. I am more than comfortable that I have shown a non-partisan view in my previous writings, and that I've grown from a registered Dem to someone who leans more to the "right" of center.

But when it comes to animals and their rights, I still have ZERO tolerance for hypocritical pieces of filth like Sarah Palin.

Highlights from Willieland

(photo: InfoWars.Com)
It promised to be off the hook when first announced, and the photos and videos up at and from this past weekend's festivities from in and around Austin confirm how absolutely awesome it must have been to have experienced it.

Willie Nelson, Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones, Jason Bermas, Jimmie Vaughn and others - in a celebration of 9/11 Truth, liberty, peace, and constitutional values.

Prison Planet TV members will have access to all of the high quality videos, but I'm sure they'll be all over YouTube and Google very shortly - if not already.

Besides Willie Nelson's Take Back America concert, video footage includes Alex, Jesse, and Jason Bermas driving around discussing the NAU, NWO, et al, and lengthy interviews with Ventura and Nelson live from Willie Nelson's house.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Willie Nelson, Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones: “A Peaceful Solution, A Peace Revolution"

Don't miss the action this Sunday night when Willie Nelson, Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones headline a musical and political extravaganza to promote 9/11 Truth, world peace, aid for small American farmers, and everything constitutional.

For the 99.9 percent of folks who care but won't be attending the event at The Backyard in Austin, Alex Jones' InfoWars network will be broadcasting the action live at and beginning at 8 p.m. EDT.

Not only are Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura scheduled to give what are sure to be fiery speeches with a guaranteed surprise or two, Willie Nelson will be playing a set, as will blues performer and 9/11 Truther Jimmy Vaughn. Vaughn is expected to join Willie on stage as well.

I can't even begin to express how badly I wish I was in Austin rather than New Jersey this weekend. Not only is it going to be an awesome event, but it's actually in the name of something(s) real and important for once.

Willie Nelson was on the Alex Jones Show Wednesday, and had some harsh and truthful words for the crooks running the bailout, the economy in general, and, unfortunately, our entire lives.

“I have written a letter as president of Farm Aid to whoever controls that money that we would like to have $1 billion dollars from that 700….$1 billion dollars is I think all we’ll need to turn the economy around if we start out taking care of our family farmers,” Nelson said. “We could put 10 million farmers back on the land, making a living out there raising food and fuel….and that $1 billion dollars I think would go a long way to changing our negative attitudes that we have and the confidence in ourselves and in our country right now.”

He added that all foreclosures on farms should be halted immediately.

Sunday's event is completely legit. Not only will they be talking 9/11 Truth, the illegal wars, the police state, and every other mega-issue we currently face, but Willie will be out there - yet again - championing for the little guy. The once great but dying small American farmer. Who by they way, could - if helped - slash our food prices and diminish opportunities for illegal aliens to capitalize on our nation's complete and utter chaos of an industrial/agricultural foundation.

It should be intense to say the least. Don't miss it at:

Ron Paul: Suddenly a Media Darling?

It's great to see Dr. Ron Paul on the cable news shows so much lately, but at the same time, it's so infuriating. During the run of Republican primaries and primary debates, Dr. Paul was nowhere to be found in polls, news shows, and debate face time. The corporate shills at CNN/FOX/MSNBC, et al. deliberately blacked him out. Now, he's a regular and just about every other day you turn around and there's Ron Paul again talking about the economy.

It makes perfect sense of course. Ron Paul is a economic mastermind and fiery critic of the banks, the criminal private Federal Reserve, and our monetary system. He knows exactly what he speaks of, and unlike most, he tells the truth when it comes to where we are financially, how we got here, and where we're headed.

If only the talking heads paid him so much attention over the past year and a half. We might just have finished watching three debates of Dr. Paul making Lord Obama look ridiculous.

This morning was the Congressman's most recent appearance on CNN, when he once again denounced our current monetary system, calling it "fraudulent."

"We created this problem," Dr. Paul said. "The Federal Reserve created this. The Community Reinvestment Act created it. The FDIC created it. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac created it."

Congressman Paul probably gets more airtime in a jam-packed morning show nowadays than every minute of time allotted him in every primary debate strung together. Remember when that piece of trash Anderson Cooper cut Dr. Paul off after roughly half of a 30-second answer?

And as always, CNN host John Roberts ended this morning's interview by saying, "Congressman Paul, it's always good to see you."

Yeah, but it wasn't so great to see the Good Doctor when valuable CNN exposure may have made a difference in voters' minds now, was it, John?

Get Ready for the Next Fake Bin Laden Tape

Former "counter-terrorism" czar and criminal conspirator Richard Clarke planted the latest seeds of terror in the public's psyche yesterday when he said that Osama bin Laden would try to influence the upcoming election via a new video tape.

When are they going to stop with this? There hasn't been an original Osama video in seven years, and the likelihood is that he's been dead for about that long.

But, just as in Orwell's nightmarish 1984, the government needs its bogeyman up on the big screen. And each and every time one of the lying cable news shows gives this any coverage without calling it out as a fake, they are complicit in bald face lying and a massive cover up. Not that they care though.

Back to the newest pack of lies...

Clarke (and countless others) maintain that bin Laden helped Bush win the 2004 election by "implying that he supported Kerry" via one of the CIA-produced videos released in the Fall of that year. Well, it must have been him. It certainly wasn't fraudulent voting machines, or the fact that tens of thousands of voters were turned away in urban parts of Ohio and denied their constitutional right to vote.

Of bin Laden, Clarke said, “So, we know he likes to try to influence elections. So, we can look forward to perhaps another video tape like that, or an attack. But an attack is a heck of a lot harder for them to stage than the easy job of putting out a video tape.”

Great point Richard. It is indeed harder for the rogue elements of our government to pull off another 9/11 than it is for them to go into the editing room and throw another CGI Osama together.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

N.J. Cops Toss Woman from Wheelchair, Mace a Crowded Bus and Storm It Like Some Cave in Tora Bora

Thanks to for the heads up on this story. Check out this killer site, listed at the bottom of my blog as one of the select links for fighting the New World Order.

Trenton police savaged a passenger bus yesterday afternoon, arresting two people, while dispersing mace, and throwing a woman from her wheelchair.

According to The Trentonian, the mayhem began at 1:45 p.m. when a 55-year-old woman allegedly assaulted a bus driver after a verbal spat turned physical.

Trenton Police Captain Joe Juniak said the wheelchair-bound Beverly Garrett “proceeded to aggressively verbally abuse the driver with foul and threatening language.” And when the driver tried to walk away from her, Juniak said, Garrett “stood up out of her wheelchair and physically assaulted the driver by striking him about the head and body with closed fists.”

Uh, yeah. This smacks very similar to earlier this year when officers threw a paraplegic from his chair after asking him numerous times to "get up."

In addition to the wheelchair aspect of this story, cops also dispersed mace into the bus, and arrested a man for refusing to hand over a cell phone that he used to record the entire event.

“This gentleman did absolutely nothing wrong, except take a picture with his personal cell phone, which is not a crime,” said one witness. “The cops cannot request that I give you my phone.”

Despite having been treated quite harshly by the courts in New Jersey for a misdemeanor offense and conviction, I will be the first to admit that the police in this state are generally very fair and in complete contrast to what I read from around the country. This, obviously, is not one of those times. Please circulate this to the folks in your neck of the woods as just another example of the police gone awry.

And of course, there is a side story. The Trentonian describes it as follows:

"Coincidentally, the two people arrested in each part of this story have tangential relationships to the recent legal wranglings regarding the city’s police directors. The woman on the bus was arrested during a meeting at which the future of the old director was discussed, and the arrested onlooker’s father is a plaintiff in the lawsuit seeking the ouster of the current cop boss."

Dare you question our officials, our enforcers. How quickly these pigs are trained to forget they serve us - not the other way around.

BBC Continues to Look Desperate and Pathetic

The government-controlled shills over at the BBC are set to air yet another lie-filled hit-piece about 9/11 and WTC7. This will be their third go-round at trying to fleece the public. I guess they're banking on third-times-a-charm?

The BBC's shining example of modern-day yellow journalism began back in February of 2007 with their first 9/11 "documentary." They tried it again in July of this year. They obviously have no concept of cutting one's losses, and certainly have no shame. Each time they try this bull, they are completed shredded, disproven, and made to look ridiculous.

Frankly I never even managed to get myself to watch the second installment. The first time was quite enough of a waste of 90 minutes. I decided that the most time I'll waste on the BBC is the few minutes it takes to write a blog.

For a good laugh at the BBC's expense, check out Steve Watson's story at Or even better, watch the show when it airs this coming Sunday.